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We have finally made a plan to get Minho out, and Tommy and I have just been sharing glances at each other. We haven't had much time for our love life, considering our best friend is being experimented on by WCKD, and the world has gone to shit.

Gally explained how he could sneak us in through the tunnels, which Thomas denied at first because we would have to kidnap Teresa, but this time he agreed. I know how much he cares about her still, and I understand, but after all, she is the reason we are in this situation to begin with.

Me and Thomas are getting ready to leave and go with Gally. For some reason, I feel like something is off. He hasn't looked at me this whole time. I begin to worry that maybe I fucked something up. "Hey Thomas," I say gulping viciously. To which he just respond with a low mumble. "We're okay right?" He looks at me confused. "Why wouldn't we be?" He says with not even the slightest of emotion in his face. I don't respond I turn around to leave. Thomas doesn't stop me.

I try to shake of the painful feeling in my heart Thomas has left, and that all that matters right now is Minho. I pull up my sleeve to notice the black is spreading further up my arm, turning my veins black. I look at my arm in disgust. Why can't I be immune like everyone else? What's wrong with me? I see Thomas approaching, and he sees me looking at my arm. A sad expression grows on his face. I pull my sleeve down and turn away from him.

Me and Gally are on the lookout while Thomas goes to see Teresa. I watch as he walks up behind Teresa. He yanks her arm, pulling her into the alley way I'm able to see from where I'm standing. I see her smile, and I can see her mouth the words Tom. I hate when she calls him that. I watch carefully when I see him kiss her. My mouth falls open and my eyes fill with tears. "Gross," I hear Gally say quietly under his breath. I don't know why I'm mad, he's not mine. Tommy's not mine.

Thomas and Teresa and when we get back we see Brenda tying Teresa to a chair. "TOM?!" She shouts and my face drops hearing her call him that. I look at him angrily. He looks like a lost puppy at first but then he realises. I was watching him. His eyes fall to the floor.

Teresa keeps pleading that we let her go and saying she can't help us. Trying to make us pity her. Well mostly Tommy anyway, but to my surprise he doesn't do anything. "I can't help you Teresa," he says coldly.

Teresa and Gally are mostly arguing and the rest of us are just listening, including Tommy who hasn't intervened once to my amazement. "I have to remove the chips WCKD planted in you if you want to even step foot through those doors." She says trying to get us to give up on the plan . Thomas stands up. "Do it." He says still no emotion In his voice. To which she replies with "You know I can't do that to you." Thomas furrows his eyebrows and scrunches his nose. "You can't help me get my best friend away from the people that are torturing him but you can betray me to side with the villains who killed chuck in front of me, you saw him die Teresa." He says practically screaming in her face, making Brenda slap her hand over her mouth. "In my arms," he follows on lowering his voice now shaking making Teresa look down. She sits silently for a moment. "Okay, fine," she replies biting her lip.

Thomas is the last to get his done and I wince as Teresa pulls out a chip that was imbedded in his neck. Blood pouring down his neck Teresa wipes it away carefully making sure to stroke the back of it. Thomas turns to me to see if I am looking. Which I am. He mouths the words sorry to me but I turn away secretly wanting him to know what of a dick he's being. It pains me to ignore him. Those sad puppy eyes have come back and he knows they drive me insane.

A few hours later and we are all sleeping preparing for the next day. The day we save Minho. Brenda and Gally are taking turns watching over Teresa making sure she doesn't try to escape. I go to bed and try to sleep without success off course because I can't get my mid off him. I finally manage to fall asleep but wake up to hear the sound of my door creaking. I think it must be the wind, or maybe someone checking to see if I've turned into a crank yet.

Then I feel someone standing over me. Whoever it is they gently tap my shoulder and I jump up and pick up my torch to see who it is. It's Tommy. My face relaxes seeing his beautiful brown eyes examining my face. "Jesus Newt," he mumbles in a deep raspy voice revealing that he has clearly just woken up and I realise I am blinding him. "Sorry," I say and carefully reach over to turn my light on. I pull the blanket over me. "Can I sit?" Tommy says quietly. "Sure," I reply. Thomas sits down on the edge of my bed shivering. You can move closer if you want," I say pulling the blanket back and putting my arm out. "Thanks," he says as he cuddles up next to me and I place my arm on his shoulder rubbing it gently. "So what's up?" I say hoping he wants to talk about what I think he does. "I wanted to talk about today, about Teresa." He says mumbling against my chest. He brings his face up to look at me. "Okay, explain why you kissed her," I say sadly and his eyes drop again. He doesn't say anything and I scoff looking away from his gorgeous face. "I'm sorry, I'll tell you everything you want to know but I just want you to know I'm sorry and I love you Newton". He says kissing my check making me blush. Fuck I love when he calls me that.

A/N Oh my god this chapter had me smiling so bad at the end. I was going to make it a sad ending, but my Newtmas heart couldn't take making them mad at each other :((

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