chapter 4

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As we walked out of the portal we seen the gods arguing over stupid things until Chaos stepped forward and Zeus looked scared."why are you here?"
"No hug for your great great grandpa?" Chaos asked pretending to be hurt.
"Father please get this over with." I walked up to father with my team behind me.The gods looked at me surprised that Chaos had a child as young as I.
"So bossy." Chaos pouted shocking the gods even more.
"Right then why are you here?"
"To give you aid against the up coming war and protection to Artemis and the demi gods."
"Chaos I beg you please let us gaurd them and send Omega to protect the others."
"Black silver I have already told you no know go."
"What is she talking about?" Artemis asked.
"Omega will be your guardian, but be warned he will not tolerate being picked on so watch your hunters."
"Who is Omega?"
"My son the one who stands beside me."
"No I will not tolerate that boy to come to my camp."
"Its not like I asked to come here.So since I'm not wanted can I go back home father?"
"Nice try but no."Chaos continued talking and I zoned out until the meeting was over. As it ended I looked up to see Athena staring at my group.
" any last questions? "Chaos asked
"Yes what are their names?" Athena asked
"Omega, silver, black silver, joker, Luna, jack, and Christina." As Chaos said our names we stepped forward.
"Why do you have two with silver in their names?"
"Its what they were named don't ask me." Chaos said."now I need to go so Omega be good and the rest protect the camps."
"Yes sir" everyone saluted at the same time. With that Chaos took his leave and the gods stared at us.
"Silver your in charge keep joker out of trouble if I hear that you guys play a prank I will ground you all for a decade."
With that said I walked over to Artemis and turned into a wolf with my wings open. The gods disappeared after sending my group to camp.
"If you so much hiccup the wrong way I will kill you I don't care if you are the son of Chaos."
'No need to be so rude mi'lady I don't chase girls there is no reason to."
"Why's that hmmm?"
"Because girls only distract me from my job and the sooner I get done here I can go back home and save another planet."
"Fine but you should stay in that do I would hate for you to die in the first two seconds."
She flashed us to camp and called a meeting. There were wolfs at the border of the camp and I watched as they pushed the girls out of the way to get to the front of the crowd. You are not a regular wolf yet you are no god who ate you?" The leader of the group asked.
"Omega son of Chaos heir to the universe primordial of eclipses and wolfs."
They all bowed to me and I spread my wings.Artemis started talking about how I was to guard the hunt by lord Chaos' orders. Murmmers were heard throughout the camp as I walked in front of the pack of wolves as the pups chased circles around me since I was the first male Alfa they have met. The hunters looked angered that I was already part of their pack. One of the hunters came up to and put a knife to my throat threatening me"if you get any of our wolves pregnant or if they get hurt I will kill you."
I growled at her and spoke scearing her to death"do you think I want to be here right now no, what I want is to be home on my planet with my friends, but nooo father said I had to help in the war and to keep me from doing something stupid to those insolent demigods at camp I was told to guard you. Even when Bi-black silver volunteered herself and silver to watch you so leave me alone until a monster attacks." I left her standing there frozen in shock.
°°°°°°°°°°°°Artemis POV°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
Omega was different. I just can't understand why he hates earth and I could tell by the way he talked about women that he didn't like them but he wasn't gay that much was clear. As I talked to my hunters I could tell that the wolves of my pack worshipped him because they bowed and they don't even bow to Lupa. As I dismissed the group I seen Phoebe walk up to Omega with a knife before I could do anything she froze I couldn't understand until I heard a voice in my head. It wasn't really in my head though it was in Phoebe's. It was Omega. What he said to her shocked me. I was so busy trying to understand his hate I didn't notice I was in the woods until I heard a bush russel. I grabbed my bow and out stepped Oceanus. "You killed Percy now its time we take back what you gods stole from us. You and your hunters will die today."
I whistled and a second later my hunters were by my side."I don't think so."we started to fire but then monsters started coming into the battle backing us up into our clearing that we have been camping in. Soon the monsters had my hunters caged and me in chains. As Oceanus started to swing his sword at me Omega came out of the woods in human form killing off all of the monsters distracting the titan. As he battled him I sat there watching in awe at how swiftly he could move. While the titan was getting scratched stabbed and pounded Omega didn't gave a mark on him. He finished the titan off before turning to me and saying the most stupidest thing"did I mess up my clothes?"
"No now please unlock me."
He came over to me but he hesitated.
"What's wrong now?"
"I don't feel like getting hit because your chain is locked under your shirt."
"How did that happen?"
"I don't know?"
"Just unlock it and if you touch me anywhere else then on the lock I will beat you into a pulp." With that he pulled up my shirt enough to reach the lock. While he was trying to unlock the thing the feel if his fingers on my back left trails of warmth. I sighed on accident when Omega had to put his hand on my side to steady himself but took it off immediately. When he was done he stood up and seen that the hunters were waking up. He turned back into a wolf as I unlocked the cage.
°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°jokers POV°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
I was walking around camp when Zoë walked up to me"hey silver"
"I say we prank the Hermes cabin."
"But you heard Omega."
"He won't find out now come on."
"No I know your trying to prank me and it won't work nope I'm staying out of trouble even if it is my middle name."
"Good you passed the test now come with me I want to show you something."
I was scared at first but then followed her until we reached Zeus fist. Then she turned around and kissed me. I wasn't expecting that so it took me a second to respond but when I did I picked her up and sat her on a rock.she leaned back and looked at me"I've been wanting to do that for a while now."
Right after she said that the battle horn blew.we ran up to camp borders and seen two titans.

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