Me: the karate season, you know the martial art?

Rie <3: okay sooo, you're not coming?

Me: no I'm not

Rie <3: fine but that is not gonna look good for me kie

Me: I'm so sorry but first of all I don't care and secondly I have to get going now

Rie <3: meanie

Me: sorry not sorry

Rie <3: see you tomorrow then

End of their conversation.

'Ppl need to chill out about that game and what was that about? It's not gonna look good for me? What did she mean by that?'

My music starts again and it takes me into my own little bubble.

They're burning all the witches even if you aren't one

The melody slows down.

They got their pitchforks and proof

I run past a lot of people walking by.

Their receipts and reasons

I come to a halt when there's a big ass puddle I can't walk around. The melody speeds up and as it reaches it's climax I take a few steps back and set into a full sprint and jump over the puddle.


I continue in the sprint I used to get over the puddle and push myself to use all I have in me and in no time I'm halfway through my run.

I'm spooked when I feel a hand on my shoulder and hear a muffled voice.

I take my earbuds out and slow down.

"You're a fast runner" William to my surprise says out of breathe.

"What" I'm really confused as to why he's here and why he stopped me.

"Are you com-" he starts.

"I swear to god William if you finish that sentence and it's what I think you're asking me I'll strangle you right here, right now" he shuts up completely before he says.

"What are you doing out here?" He looks around for a while before I decide to answer him.

"I could ask you the same thing" he starts smiling.

"You got me there"he says.

"You gonna come with me or what?" I ask him.

"I don't think I'll be able to keep up Katrine" he just stands there.

'He looks like the emoji of a standing man'

"I can slow down if you wanna join in" he smiles again.

"Sure" he says.

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