The photographers had set the equipment up in the backyard and were patiently waiting for Maurice, Rai and Simone. "Good afternoon, I apologize for keeping you waiting. Thank you for coming." Maurice said shaking the crews hands. "Oh, it's ok. We just got done setting up. You have a beautiful family Mr.Chambers." He grabbed Raichelle hand and pulled her foward. "This is my wife Raichelle and daughter Simone." He introduced them, he had forgotten the man's name so he hoped he would find out in his greeting to Rai. "Hello nice to meet you." Rai said softly extending her hand. "I'm Mike, I'm pretty much training these guys, so although I'll be here for the whole shoot, I'll just be overseeing everything. Feel free to let me know if there's anything you wanted to add." Norianne came out with a tray. It had a picture of lemonade with ice cubes and a few cups that were already full. "I thought you all could use something cold to drink." She said setting the tray on the table. Raichelle rolled her eyes when she handed Maurice a cup and then offered Raichelle one as well. "Thanks Nori." Maurice said with the cup to his lips. Raichelle put hers down with the others and took the one he had right out of his hand. He creased his eyebrows and looked at her like she was crazy when she drank all the lemonade. "Why would you do that. She handed you your own?" He asked confused. "I wanted yours." He screwfaced her "You being real weird, but whatever. Come on let's get this done." Raichelle just took a deep breath and put on a smile, she wasn't about to have a disagreement with Maurice while the photographers were here, but after they left he was gonna get an ear full.

Raichelle kicked her heels off and sat in the recliner. She was exhausted, it felt like she had run a marathon. Her head was hurting, jaws were tight from all that smiling, breast were full and aching and her feet were throbbing from wearing the stilettos that Maurice had picked for her to wear. It took damn near four hours to get the perfect pictures and she was happy she didn't have to deal with that on a regular basis. She started to just pull down the part of her dress that was off the shoulder, because she was so tired and didn't feel like changing. Simone had started whining so she knew it time for her to be fed. Instead of risking the possibility of messing up the dress she knew Maurice paid a lot of money for she decided to change. As soon as she laid Simone in her bassinet she began crying and kicking her little feet. "Awww...hold on babygirl. Momma gotta get out this dress. She hates to hear the baby cry so Instead of changing she just got undressed and breastfed her in her panties and bra. They shared eye contact as Simone greedily fed, her arm was holding Raichelle breast and her little fist was balled up. Rai gently grabbed it and put her finger in her small hands. She always did that when she fed her baby because as they get full their grip loosens and that let's her know to burp her and switch sides. Rai was thankful that Maurice sent her upstairs while he went to handle business and let Norianne deal with the clean from the shoot. It was times like this that made her keep her mouth shut about the discomfort of having a stranger in her home.
As become her routine she laid the sleeping baby in her bassinet and pumped her breast for 15 minutes on each side. Then she turned the baby monitor on and slipped on her robe putting it in the pocket. She walked down the hall to the nursery and put the bag of milk in the small freezer they bought specifically for that reason. She was on her way downstairs to see if she could find something quick to snack on. She couldn't wait to hop in the shower in get in the comfort of her California king bed. When she was passing the guest room she heard a something that sound like beating against the wall. She stopped to listen and the noise continued. She stood there for minute with her hand on the doorknob trying to decide whether she would go in and check or not. Turning the knob she opened the door slowly. What she saw shocked her whole system "What the fuck!" She screamed as loud as she could. Norianne was naked from the waist up and the skirt she was wearing earlier was bunch around her waist. "Bitch you in here riding some nigga in my house." When she looked closer at the man her heart shattered. Her and Maurice made eye contact as it seemed like everything was happening in slow motion. Norianne tried to grab the covers to shield her body, but Maurice grabbed her waist and shifted her on the bed next to him. Raichelle covered her mouth and began walking backwards out of the room. She bumped into the doorframe and stumbled clumsily as she watch her husband hop off the bed naked and run towards her. "Rai baby...I can explain." Her eyebrows creased and she shook her head. He grabbed her arms called for Chris. She couldn't believe he was standing there holding onto her with the same hands that were just all over Noriannes ass. She also couldn't believe that he was standing in front of her butt ass naked trying to talk to her. What the fuck was wrong with her body? Why couldn't she move from the spot she was in. She wanted to run and grab Simone and go, but her body wasn't cooperating. Maurice was talking to her, but she really wasn't comprehending the words. His voice sounded muffled and slow, she turned her head to the open door where Norianne seemed to be picking through the pile of clothes on the floor and getting dressed. She was still holding onto the sheet covering her breast with one hand. "What the hell you got going on up heerreee...." Chris stopped at the top of the stairs with a dumbfounded look on his face. Looking at Maurice completely naked pinning Raichelle to the wall. "I need you to take her in the room and don't let her leave. I'll handle Anne." Hearing him say the name Raichelle turned her focus from the room to Maurice. "You muthafucka!" Raichelle started struggling to get free, she wanted to choke him. All this time he had his side chick/baby mama living with them. "What kind of man are you! I fucking hate your guts! Your a true bastard! What the fuck is wrong with you, you sick asshole?" Chris practically had to drag her kicking and screaming to get her to the bedroom. Holding her on best hug he closed the door, leaned against it and locked the knob. "Rai..calm down please." He said letting her go. She had a murderous look in her eyes as she looked around the large room. To her surprise Simone was still sleeping peacefully. She didn't even acknowledge Chris, she just went into the bathroom and closed the door. He wasn't gonna stop her from leaving this time, she had more than enough in her all her accounts and credit cards to play with that she barely used, because Maurice liked to pay for everything. She picked up her phone and texted her mother.

Me : Please come get me. I can't do this anymore. This man is more than disrespectful and he won't let me leave.

Lady❤️❤️: I'm on my way babygirl.

She received the message immediately. She ran into the closet and threw some leggings and and an oversized t-shirt on with her all white Nike. She wasn't even gonna bother trying to pack anything until her mom got here. All she really needed was her pump a few outfits for Simone, some diapers, wipes and the milk she froze. Now let's see him stop Lady from taking me.


🥰😍😘❤️❤️ hey guys this story is coming to a close very soon. There may be a part 2 depending on how the ending hits.

Maurice finally got caught out there. Now let's see how he handles momma coming to the house 👀👀

Thanks for reading. Stay tuned....
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