"Bode" Ron said. "Bode. It rings a bell."

"We saw him," Hermione whispered. "In St. Mungo's, remember? He was in the bed opposite Lockhart's, just lying there, staring at the ceiling. And we saw the Devil's Snare arrive. She the Healer said it was a Christmas present"

"How come we didn't recognize Devil's Snare? We've seen it before we could've stopped this from happening" Harry said looking at them.

"Who expects Devil's Snare to turn up in a hospital disguised as a potted plant?" Rory said to him "It's not your fault, whoever sent it to the bloke is to blame!"

"They must be a real prat, why didn't they check what they were buying?" Ron added.

"Oh come on, Ron!" Hermione said shakily, "I don't think anyone could put Devil's Snare in a pot and not realize it tries to kill whoever touches it? This this was murder. A clever murder, as well. If the plant was sent anonymously, how's anyone ever going to find out who did it?"

"I met Bode," Harry said slowly. "I saw him at the Ministry with your dad" Ron's mouth fell open.

"I've heard Dad talk about him at home! He was an Unspeakable he worked in the Department of Mysteries!" Hermione pulled the newspaper back toward her, closed it, glared for a moment at the pictures of the ten escaped Death Eaters on the front, then leapt to her feet.

"Where are you going?" Ron said, startled.

"To send a letter," Hermione said, swinging her bag onto her shoulder. "It well, I don't know whether but it's worth trying and I'm the only one who can"

"I hate it when she does that," grumbled Ron as he and Harry got up from the table and made their own, slower way out of the Great Hall just as the twins sat down.

"Hey, have you heard about the Azkaban breakout" Rory asked them as they sit down, they shake their heads "10 death eaters have escaped"

"Seriously" They both say in unison.

"Yep Ministry still don't want to believe he's back though" They headed of to defence class a little while later.

"Good morning class" Umbridge greeted everyone after they had sat down.

"Good morning Professor Umbridge" The class muttered back.

"I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break and now you will continue reading from where we left off last term" Most of the class opened their books and started reading whilst Rory just left hers open on the desk. "Miss Potter we are meant to be reading right now"


"Excuse me" Her voiced raised slightly before she managed to bring it back to her usual tone.

"I said pass"

"What is the problem today Miss Potter" She said watching Rory closely.

"Just how useless you are. How do 10 death eaters escape Azkaban" Rory raises a brow at her.

"Well we believe it has everything to do with Sirius Black" She tried to keep her voice calm.

"Seriously. He was proven innocent why would he help a group of death eaters escape" Rory snaps.

"Well Miss Potter when one's family is in trouble usually they tend to help"

"Well you're definitely wrong there. Sirius Black hates his family"

"Enough" She shouts finally getting tired of arguing with Rory. "Detention Miss Potter this even 5 o'clock my office" Rory looks at her and shuts her book "What do you think you're doing" Rory stands grabbing her bag.

"Leaving, I'll see you later in detention" She sees the twins smirking at her as she walks out. A new signs had appeared on the house notice boards the morning after news of the Azkaban breakout:

by order of The High Inquisitor of Hogwarts Teachers are hereby banned from giving students any information that is not strictly related to the subjects they are paid to teach. The above is in accordance with Educational Decree Number Twenty-six. Signed: high inquisitor

This latest decree had been the subject of a great number of jokes among the students. Lee had pointed out to Umbridge that by the terms of the new rule she was not allowed to tell Fred and George off for playing Exploding Snap in the back of the class which had resulted in him getting his first detention with her. Rory thought that the breakout from Azkaban might have humbled Umbridge a little, that she might have been abashed at the catastrophe that had occurred right under her beloved Fudge's nose. It seemed, however, to have only intensified her furious desire to bring every aspect of life at Hogwarts under her personal control. She seemed determined at the very least to achieve a sacking before long, and the only question was whether it would be Professor Trelawney or Hagrid who went first. Every single Divination and Care of Magical Creatures lesson was now conducted in the presence of Umbridge and her clipboard. She lurked by the fire in the heavily perfumed tower room, interrupting Professor Trelawney's increasingly hysterical talks with difficult questions about Ornithomancy and Heptomology, insisting that she predict students' answers before they gave them and demanding that she demonstrate her skill at the crystal ball, the tea leaves, and the rune stones in turn. Hagrid seemed to be following Hermione's advice and had shown them nothing more frightening than a crup, a creature indistinguishable from a Jack Russell terrier except for its forked tail, since before Christmas, he also seemed to have lost his nerve. He was oddly distracted and jumpy in lessons, losing the thread of what he was saying while talking to the class, answering questions wrongly and glancing anxiously at Umbridge all the time. Harry had started redoubling his efforts for the D.A. Everyone had been spurred to work harder than ever by the news that ten more Death Eaters were now on the loose, but in nobody was this improvement more pronounced than in Neville. The news of his parents' attacker's escape had wrought a strange and even slightly alarming change in him. He barely spoke during D.A. meetings anymore, but worked relentlessly on every new jinx and countercurse Harry taught, his plump face screwed up in concentration, apparently indifferent to injuries or accidents, working harder than anyone else in the room. Rory was still working with him and helping him. He was improving so fast it was quite unnerving and Rory wasn't having to hold back as much anymore to give him chance to learn the spells and when Harry taught the Shield Charm, a means of deflecting minor jinxes so that they rebounded upon the attacker, only Hermione mastered the charm faster than Neville. January seemed to be passing alarmingly fast. Before anyone knew it, February had arrived, bringing with it wetter and warmer weather and the prospect of the second Hogsmeade visit of the year. Rory ended up in yet another detention with Umbridge so wasn't able to attend. On the the morning of the 14th she got up and got dressed ready to head to Umbridge's office for 11. At quarter to 11 she headed down to her office and knocked.

"Come in" Rory opened the door and walked in "Ahh Miss Potter you know what to do. I will tell you when you may stop" She said sipping her tea. It was dark outside by the time she finally allowed her to leave. As she entered the common room George pulled her straight to his dorm where Fred and Lee were waiting with a pile of sweets and a bowl of Murtlap for her. George helped clean her hand before placing it in the bowl.

Happier with you- Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now