Chapter Thirty Eight

Start from the beginning

A surprise gasp escaped her as she was thrown fifteen feet farther than where Ominis had been. She was over her waist—-the water was just barely over her head. She panicked, thrashing around.

She couldn't think.

It was as if her mind had gone blank—scratch that—it was as if fear had swallowed her whole and she didn't know which way was up or down. Strong arms wrapped around her waist and she clung to the body that lifted her up. She was shaking in fear, trying to focus on the fact that Ominis was walking them towards the shoreline.

"What was that for, Pansy?" Hermione shouted angrily.

The brunette scoffed, "She casted a charm on me last time we met. I was returning the favor."

Through the blood rushing in her ears, she heard Ominis' deadly calm response. "How kind of you. Allow me to do the same." His tone turned into a raging snarl. "Bombarda."

An explosion echoed on the shore followed by a feminine scream. It was a mixture of pain and terror. Blair had the sense to look as Ominis stopped where the water was came up to his hips. He didn't want to remove her completely knowing she wouldn't get back in, but still wanted her to be less anxious than before.

Draco was standing there with a bored expression on his face. He lazily looked over to see Pansy lying on the ground, knocked out next to a tree.

He cleared his throat, "For the record, I didn't know she was going to do that."

Ominis' lip curled in anger. "Keep your dog on a leash next time."

"Fair enough." Draco shrugged nonchalantly, "I came to tell you about another meeting. Though we could chat without the Mudblood listening to us." He eyed Granger before turning to Blair, "And this pathetic excuse for a champion."

Hermione turned red. "This mudblood knows how to punch if you've forgotten."

"I wish I could forget the both of you." Draco mused before turning to Ominis, "This Saturday. Will you be in attendance?"

Blair wrapped her arms around him tighter, silently asking him please no. She would never tell him what to do, but she could at least make her opinion on the matter known.

Ominis shook his head once. "Not interested."

"He won't be pleased to hear that. Not after you chased away his eyes and ears." Draco pointed out with a scowl, eyes flickering towards the empty bushes.

"I don't give a fuck about what he wants. After what happened to those Muggles and almost having my arm cut off—-Him and his followers can rot in hell for all I care." Ominis spoke with absolute clarity. His voice was so sharp, it cut through the thick tension in the air. "Which begs the question of whose side are you on, Draco?"

The pale blond's eyes flashed in warning. "I don't have the luxury of a choice. You know that."

"Everyone always has a choice." Ominis replied instantly, pressing his lips together for a moment. "It only depends if you're too scared to make a decision."

Draco laughed, but there was no humor in it. "You're right. I'm a bloody coward. But if I'm able to protect my family, then so be it."

He left then without a single word more. Hermione looked confused and Ominis explained to her briefly with what happened at the Malfoy Manor last week. Her hands flew up to her mouth, shocked and appalled something like that still happened in this day and age.

It was Blair's turn to laugh humorlessly. "There will always be evil in the world. It doesn't matter what time you find yourself in."

"Evil can't exist without Good." Ominis rubbed her back, placing a kiss against her shoulder. "Let's try again, shall we? Do you want to hang onto me?"

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