Chapter Nine

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All the students and Professors watched as the Goblet of Fire flared higher than ever before. Red embers shot out from the fire, causing everyone to flinch. Well, almost everyone. Ominis had a tedious guise—an air of wanting to leave and not truly caring about anything that was occurring. From the embers, a normal looking small piece of parchment fluttered to the ground. The Headmaster picked it up, still with a confused expression.

His eyebrows scrunched together in concern, lips forming a name with no sound coming out. The Headmaster scanned the crowd. Blair froze when his cold eyes landed on her in an icy stare.

"Blair Bishop." He hollered loudly, her name echoing around the room.

Ominis grabbed her sleeve this time. A silent warning. Don't go.

Four Champions and An Old Friend

"Ominis, let her go." Hermione hissed quietly, urging her forward.

The stares were suffocating as everyone judged her. Blair pulled her hand away from him reluctantly. She could hear some of the whispers that cascaded through the air.

"How did she get chosen as well?"

"Attention seeking...."

"She probably used that special magic of hers."

"...Did she do it to impress Ominis?"

The last one confused her. Why would she ever need to do something like that? Blair walked stiffly and unsmiling past all of the house tables, being careful not to make eye contact with anyone. As she caught sight of the Headmaster and the other Professors...they were all glowering suspiciously. Indignation rose up in her. She didn't want to be part of the stupid tournament either. She passed them wordlessly.

Blair descended down a staircase, entering a room full of golden trophies, lit by a warm fire place. Viktor was the only one smiling in excitement as Harry wore a sullen expression, and Fleur didn't know what to make of the situation.

Fleur regarded her kindly, but also confused. Her accent was thick as she spoke, "Do they want us back in the Great Hall?"

Although it really sounded like, 'Do ze want us back in ze Great Hall?' She didn't have a chance to tell her no as the door leading to the trophy room crashed open with a thunderous bang, hitting against the wall. All at once, yelling and arguing were heard as Dumbledore descended down the steps first followed by Igor Karkaroff, Madam Maxine, Professor Snape, and the Ministry representative—Crouch.

"What is the meaning of this, Dumbly-dorr!" Maxine was outraged, her face turning red to match her choppy hair, "This isn't fair to Beauxbaton or Durmstrang!"

The Headmaster ignored her and the others yelling as he gave a death stare to both Harry and Blair. "Did you both put your name into the Goblet of Fire?" His voice was calm, but unyielding.

Harry and Blair shook their heads immediately, "No, Sir."

"Did either of you ask an older student to put your name in." His voice trembled as his anger and impatience grew.

They repeated clearly, "No, sir."

"Ah, but of course they are lying!" Maxine snapped, impatience growing similar to the Headmaster, "They charmed the Goblet!"

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