"Stiles... Stiles." She tried to wake him to no avail, sending Melissa McCall a pleading look as the woman approached with a smile, laughing both at the boy and at Lottie's expense.

"You... you're dirty."

"Oh my God. This is not happening." Lottie groaned.

"Just like that. Just like-" He continued, rolling slightly so his head was no longer facing her crotch.

"Stiles... STILES!" Finally waking the boy after raising her voice, Lottie looked at him as he fell off the chairs he'd been laying on with a raised brow. "I don't even want to know the details. For once in my life, ignorance is bliss. Can we go get a snack please. I'm starving."

"Are you sure you don't want the details? I have to say, it was a pretty good dream, maybe one of the best." Stiles teased, trying to get over his own embarrassment at having a sex dream about his best friend whilst laying in her lap.

"Yep. I'll pass. What I do want is some gummy worms." Lottie smiled as they reached the vending machine and Stiles put a dollar in. Typing in the number for the gummy worms, Lottie and Stiles watched as the machine released the sweets - only to watch them get jammed on the way down.

"Seriously? You've got to be kidding me." Stiles muttered. Lottie released an exhale loudly, she just wanted her fucking gummy worms. Stiles looked over at her with a smile. "I've got it." He said cockily.

Tapping on the plexiglass of the machine, his confidence faltered as the sweets didn't budge. He then tried smacking the glass and eventually pounded on it with his fists. Still nothing. He noted that Lottie was zoning out, dazed.

"Watch this." He told the girl, bringing her back to reality as he rolled his sleeves up and rolled his shoulders back. Placing his legs as far apart as they could, he awkwardly gripped both sides of the vending machine, shaking it slightly, trying to wriggle the sweets free. "Son-of-a-fucking..." He muttered under his breath as he finally got a bit of momentum.

It finally seemed like the gummies were gonna release, when Stiles pulled a bit too hard and the machine came falling towards him and Lottie. With expert reflexes, Lottie pulled him out of the way to safety as they both stared down at the now smashed machine. Quickly scanning for witnesses, Lottie grabbed Stiles' pinky, tugging him away.

"Walk away. Stiles. Walk away." She muttered out of the side of her mouth, trying to act as natural as possible. Like they hadn't just damaged a couple hundred dollars worth of property. As she turned back to the waiting area, she let out a laugh, the hilarity of the situation hitting her. "That was exactly what I-" She was cut off by a scream - Lydia's scream.

"Lydia! Lydia?" She called out, Stiles following her as she ran to Lydia's room.

"What the hell was that?" Melissa asked as she entered the room with Mr Martin following after. They entered the bathroom to see the water still running, flooding the floor slightly. Lottie clutched Stiles' arm tightly and recoiled at the sight, taking a step back. Stiles noticed and hid her slightly behind him, making note to speak to her about it later. Right now though, they were all focused on Lydia. Who had vanished into thin air.


"Naked? As in nude?" Sheriff Stilinski asked Melissa as he arrived on the scene.

"Pretty sure they mean the same thing, but yes. Far as we know, she left here, clothing-optional." Melissa retorted.

Spotting her dad for once, Lottie excused herself leaving Stiles with his dad as she made her way over to him.

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