Jeremie put his hands on the closet and used his very strong arms to push it. It didn't need a lot, since the closet was empty, and in a matter of seconds, he moved the closet to the other corner.

He moved to the table, hoping it will be just as easy as the large closet. But Jeremie noticed that Aelita was right; Ulrich and Odd would look at the things she had on the table, one of which was a diary.

She is writing a diary? Jeremie thought as he began pushing the table to the wall. It didn't take him long, just him being him made it longer. 

Aelita this whole time was standing by the door, admiring the work that Jeremie put into just moving the furniture. She adored the boy, as he always put everything back just to be with her. Even if a screen stood between them, she knew Jeremie is special.

"There," Jeremie said, wiping sweat from his forehead. "Anything else?"

"No, thank you," Aelita said and hugged Jeremie. She knew that Jeremie was hugging her while she was asleep, but for some reason, he didn't hug her now. She let go of him, and gave him a quick gentle kiss on his cheek, making Jeremie blush like crazy.

"We can go into town later if you want. Maybe have something for lunch." Aelita said, smiling. Jeremie was nodding, not letting out any word, and his head down.

"Um, Aelita?" He nervously asked.

"Yes, Jeremie?" 

"I...I w-was...I was t-thinking..." Jeremie nervously said, his face turning redder, redder, and redder. 

"Yes?" "I...can't. I can't do this." Jeremie said, and quickly ran out of the room, leaving confused Aelita in her room alone.

"O...kay?" Aelita said, closing the door. She would be lying if she didn't say it was strange. 

What did Jeremie think about it? 


"Okay, so you clearly made yourself look stupid and then ran away," Odd said, as the three were sitting on a bench on the campus.

"You are nothing but right," Jeremie said, hiding his head between his knees.

"So now you should go and do what you agreed to; go with her to town!" Ulrich added.

"What? No!" Jeremie screamed. "I'll stutter again and make a total idiot from myself."

"And?" Odd said. "What if Aelita likes that idiot?"

"Nonsense," Jeremie said, as the other two just chuckled. "What?"

"She would never reject you, and deep inside you know it," Ulrich said. "Besides, that's how Odd gets girls; he tries without thinking."

"Okay, but...I want to earn her heart like a normal person." Jeremie said. "I'm not trying to be some kind of...assman like Odd." 

"Ouch." "He's right, Odd," Ulrich added. "You change girls more often than your socks."

"Ouch again," Odd said, pretending to be hurt. "But Jeremie, you should really go."

Jeremie thought of it again. Aelita was his friend, and she always understood anything that Jeremie told her, so there was no reason to be nervous...right?

"Okay," Jeremie said and looked at his watch. "I'm going."

"Good luck, buddy," Ulrich said right as Jeremie walked away, heading back towards the dorms. Since it was before lunch, there was still a good chance that Aelita was still in her room, so he could take her out to lunch in the town.

Running inside the building and towards Aelita's room, he quickly but gently knocked on the door a few times. The door opened after a few seconds, revealing Aelita there.

"Hey, Jeremie," Aelita said, leaning onto the doorframe.

"I...came so w-we could g-go to the t-town," Jeremie said nervously.

"Oh, yes! I almost forgot!" Aelita said and stepped out of the room. "Let's go."

She grabbed Jeremie's hand, who immediately blushed at the sudden touch, and led him out of the building. 


Jeremie was letting Aelita guide him wherever she wanted of course. Despite it being slightly cold outside, the hand that was being held by Aelita was warm. 

"Where are we going anyway?" Jeremie asked. He didn't need to know it, he was happy like this. But it felt strange to not hear her voice.

"I don't really know, I'm just admiring the clothes in the windows!" Aelita responded. 

"Yes, they are pretty," Jeremie said.

Aelita kept walking around the street, stopping here and there to admire something, whether it was a dress or a stray cat. Jeremie noticed how much attention Aelita gave to the stray cats, and it was so cute and wholesome.

Soon, Aelita led Jeremie inside a café, and they both sat down.

"Wow, this place looks amazing!" Aelita exclaimed.

"It's one of the best around," Jeremie replied, a little more relaxed now.

They ordered their food and spent the time talking and laughing, Jeremie slowly feeling more and more at ease.

"Jeremie," Aelita said, noticing Jeremie was looking at her at random times. "You've been acting weird today. Is there something you want to tell me?"

Okay, let's do this. I'm not ready. He thought, as he took a deep breath and look right into her hazel eyes.

"I..." Jeremie began, but again stuttered and stopped.

Aelita gave him a gentle smile, encouraging him to continue. "You can tell me anything, Jeremie. You know that, right?"

Jeremie closed his eyes, took a deep breath again, and started again.

"Aelita, I want to ask you if you would go out with me." He said, not knowing how was he able to say that without straight-up dying or getting a heart attack.

"Yes, of course, I'll go out with you, Jer!" Aelita exclaimed. "Or...let's make this our date!"

That last sentence made Jeremie really happy. He didn't think that it would happen right now.

"Then...I should've brought a flower." "Aw, no worries!" Aelita said and took Jeremie's hand. "I don't really need a flower to make me see how much I like you, Jer." 

Did...she really say...she likes me? Jeremie thought, slightly surprised.

"I...really like you too, 'Lita," Jeremie said.

"'Lita?" "Oh, that's a n-nickname for you," Jeremie said, slightly blushing.

"Awww, that's so sweet!" Aelita said enthusiastically. She moved her chair closer to Jeremie, so she would be next to him, and not in front of him. 

"So this was why you were so embarrassed all day." She whisper-asked him, making him nod. "You really wanted to ask me out."

"Yeah," Jeremie said. "And I was scared that you would reject me...just like you did with Odd."

"You shouldn't have worried. Odd isn't a type to have a normal relationship." Aelita said, putting her hand on Jeremie's shoulder. "You on the other hand..."

"I'm...gonna try," Jeremie said and smiled at Aelita. 

The girl knew they made an unspoken agreement a minute ago that they were indeed now together. But she still needed to make sure. 

She stood up from her chair, and sat down in Jeremie's lap, wrapping her arms around him. Jeremie was surprised, but in a good way.

And then, Aelita leaned closer to Jeremie, and placed her lips onto Jeremie's, finally sealing the gap and their relationship. Jeremie was taken back by the sudden warmth from Aelita's lips on his, but soon, he melted into the kiss, while placing his hands on Aelita's waist.

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