-Chapter Seven- I did it again.. (FINAL!!)

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3rd person p.o.v

It has been a couple of weeks since the.. "incident," the turtles like to call it. Mikey is mostly healed. He can go on patrols again, just needs to be more careful than his other brothers.

Mikey has been attempting to avoid Raph, and Raph hasn't gotten any better with his anger issues. He likes to break things still and slap his brothers across the head.

Its just gotten.. worse. So.. so much worse...

Donnie p.o.v.

I jumped up from my desk as I heard a blood curdling scream. It wasn't Leos. Raphs, maybe? Or Mikey. Either way, I sprint out of the lab only to see Mikey on top of Raph with his kusarigama blade out.

"MIKE! NO!" I heard Leonardo scream as we saw Mikey swing at Raphaels shell.


Michealangelos p.o.v


"Ow! The hell?" I yelled and turned around to see raph. "What do you want?" I say sternly. "Thats for always being extremely annoying and messing everything up." He says.

"I don't mess everything up, raph. I'm needed on this team. Leos words." I snap back, turning back around to continue making breakfast. "We could easily do without you, you're just a worthless sack of sh-"

I turned around and back-hand slapped him in the face. Oh god.. you should of seen the look on his face. I immediately regretted it and reached for my nunchakus, expecting a fight.

Before I could grab them, I was grabbed by the arm and thrown over the table. I grunted as I landed on my plastron. I got up, quickly, as I saw raph charging at me with his sais.

I jumped over him, causing him to tumble forward. He unfortunately caught himself. "Raph, im sorry! I didnt know what I was doing!" I said, running to grab my nunchucks.

We started chasing eachother around the table. "I don't care! You deserve to to get bed ridden!" He yelled getting on top of the table.

I sprinted to the living room with raph right behind me. He lunged at me, tackling me to the ground, onto my stomach. He grabbed my arm and held it behind my back.

I screamed, "RAPH! IT HURTS! LET ME GO!" "Shut up, angelo!" He stuck the leather part of his sai in my mouth.

I screamed again, as he kept hyper-extending my arm, although it was muffled completely. I started sobbing as he let go of my arm.

I got up, holding my arm. "Teach you a lesson, Angelo?" I took the sai out of my mouth and threw it at Raph, just missing his face.

While he was distracted, I tackled him, pinning on his stomach and took out my kusarigama. Raph screamed as Donnie and Leo came out of their rooms. Donnie was in his lab and Leo was in the dojo.

I wasn't thinking clearly. I dont know why I did what I did. I do regret it. I really do. But... if I could go back in time to change it, I don't think I would.

I swung at Raphaels shell.

"MIKE! NO!" I heard Leonardo say.

It too late.


No ones p.o.v

Leo and donnie ran over to raph, who was still alive, but cursed with a hole in his shell. Mikey pulled out the blade and backed up, wide eyed.

"I need to get him to the lab! Now!" Donnie screamed. Leo nodded and picked Raph up by his legs while Donnie picked him up by his front.

Raph groaned in pain.

Why did I so that. Why did I do that? I didn't want to. Please, god, im so sorry.

Mikey started to cry.

I need to get out of here.

Mikey was about to enter his room.

"MICHEALANGELO!" Leonardo called. Mikey gulped down is fears and walked into his lab, kusarigama still out and soaked in blood.

Leo signaled him to come over. Mikey followed through with his request. "Say goodbye, Michealangelo. This is probably this is time you're going to see him." Mikeys eyes got wide and full with tears. He shoved them back.

"I'm sorry." He said. And with that, he walked out of the lab as he heard a long..


"FUCK!" He heard Donnie scream. He just kept walking away. He couldn't look at his brother again.

Or.. really any of them.

He needed to leave. He needed to get out of here!

I mean.... why face your problems when you can just.. run away?

(A/N, BOOM BABY! Last chapter down! And this one is longer than the others -finally-.

I might make a book 2, but let me know if you would actually want one.

Okay, Adios Hermanos!

Let him leave. -Mikey angst-Where stories live. Discover now