-Chapter Five- Am I dreaming?

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Michelangelos p.o.v.

Wake up.

There was a pause.

God damn it Michelangelo, wake up!

I immediately sat up, looking around. It was pitch black, other then a light switch i was sitting under.

I get up and start to walk and look around. After hardly 10 steps, I ran into something and fell backwards. "What..?" I got up again, touch the.. 'invisible wall.'

Hm.. I thought, thats odd.

"Mikey?" I turned around, hearing the familiar voice. "Raph?" I started to walk cautiously to his elder brother, but was stopped by the.. 'wall.'

Raphs expression turned from worried to disgusted. "You're such a dissapointment, Angelo." I stared at him in shock. "What?." "You're the reason Dads' dead!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I backed up a little bit, in shock. This is all a dream. I thought, this isn't real.

Just then, the Shredder came up behind Raph and started to drag him away. "I HATE YOU, MIKEY! YOU'RE THE REASON WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!" Raphs screams faded away, "YOU'RE THE REASON Dads de..." He trailed off as I heard a squelch.

Blood started to come closer to my feet. I cringed at the sighting. "Raph..?" I whimpered "Raphael!?" "What happened, Mikey?" "Leo?" I turned around to look at him,  although not approaching. I'm not making the same mistake.

"What happened to Raph.." Leonardo started. "What did you do? Why is there blood?!" "Leo.. I-" "You killed him! You killed your own brother! How could you!"

"Leo! I didn't! It was the shredder! I promise!" Just then Leo was pulled back by a hand, although not shredders. I reached out for my brother, screaming his name.

I was to late.


A hollow shell was then thrown directly at me, hitting the wall and causing me to flinch. Tears started streaming down my face as I felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach. I groaned. "God... whats happening.. this can be real.." I said in between sobs.

"Michealangelo?" My eyes widened. "Papa?" I turned to look at him. "Papa!" I ran towards him, only for him to back away from me, disgusted. "You are not the ninja I raised you to be, Michelangelo"

Shredder came up from from behind him. "DAD! THE SHREDDER!"


I gagged and threw up and the sight of watching my father die.. again. "Dad.." no.." I wiped my mouth and backed up.


I'm practically crying a river at this point.

"MIKEY!" Donnie called, sounding extremely worried. I look over, but stay away. "No! Leave me alone! You all hate me!" I sob

"MIKEY! YOU NEED TO WAKE UP!" My eyes widened. I'm dreaming? It feels so real..

Suddenly, light all around me was turned on. I could see everyone... laying there.. dead.

Raph.. well.. his seemed painless. His head was..

I gagged, audibly.

His head was smashed in. He was unrecognizable. I looked over at Leo, who was de-shelled. I quickly turn away to look at my father. He looked the same as he did when I last saw him.

Then.. I saw Donnie. He had a hand around is neck. "Mikey.. wake up, please." He pleaded.


I gasp and sit up. Tears were streaming down my face. I look around, im in Donnatellos lab, and there sat Donnie, bye his computer, working on some thing. Leo and Raph weren't in here. No clue where they could be.

I groan as I grab my lower stomach. What happened..- I thought.  Oh. I remember now. I sigh.

"Mikey! Oh thank got you're okay! J was so worried!" Donnie ran over to me, worry in his eyes. He pulled me in for a hug, I hugged back, wincing in pain.

He lets go of me, realizing he's hurting me. "Sorry.. how are you feeling? Were you crying? Whats wrong?" I wipe my eyes. " Yeah Dee, I'm okay. Just a nightmare I guess.." I answer. "Where's Leo and Raph?"

Donnie scoffs at the name 'Raph.' "Leos probably out in the lair scolding raph about.. you know.. 'taking training to far' or something"

I sigh and grab my stomach. "Will I be okay?" Donnie walk over to his computer.

"Well..." He starts,

"Yes... and no."

Let him leave. -Mikey angst-Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ