Break Ups Part 1 - Chapter 15

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After the camping trip, I felt that me and Stefan grew closer each and everyday. No matter how far we're seperated we'll always grow closer to each other. I'm glad that we haven't had a fight for a very long time. All we do everyday is talk about our future together and we had so fun spending time together. We went to watch movies, go karaoke, hanged out, went to starbucks almost every saturday and everything was like a dream.

Just when I thought everything was perfect, I found out that he cheated on me with one of his friend that had moved to Australia. I just couldn't believe that he would do something like that. Just when we finally got off from loads and loads of drama, he broke my heart just like that...
(He went to my house after his date)
Stefan: Hi babe
Bryana: What are you doing here?
Stefan: I miss you, besides couldn't I just come and see my girlfriend?
Bryana: Is that what I am to you? Your girlfriend? Are you sure?
Stefan: You are, you're acting strange. Is everything okay?
Bryana: Sure, everything is fine. Especially the part when you went on a date with this girl!
Stefan: What?! Where did you get this?
Bryana: That doesn't matter! How could you do this to me? I trusted you Stefan (I started tearing up)
Stefan: Bry, you're my girlfriend. This is nothing, I was just accompanying her to the mall.
Bryana: You could accomopany her to the mall, but you couldn't help thinking or comming to my house when I needed you to? (I was sick)
Stefan: Why? What's wrong?
Bryana: I spent the whole day at home because I was sick! That's why I didn't want to hang out with you! I also knew that I could pass out if I hanged out with you! You didn't ask why I didn't want to come!
Stefan: I'm so sorry bry, I didn't know!
Bryana: If I just want to stay at home, you think you could just hang out with a girl to the mall while holding hands?
Stefan: No bry, not at all. She's just like a sister to me. I'm sorry, I promise not to do that again!
Bryana: Well not every brother and sisters hold hands. Do you even hold hands with sam, your actual little sister? Or did you forget about her too? You could just promise your self that because from here on now, WE ARE DONE!!

I was very tired and sick and he had to "hang out" with his friend and hold hands together in the mall. What would people think when they know he's dating me and that girl? I just couldn't deal with anymore drama so I just think that I could just take a break from having to pick up all the pieces to my heart that Stefan had shatter a billion times.

Sorry, it's not that long and sorry for not finishing this earlier, I hope you like it :) and I promise the story will get way more interesting ;)

Once Upon A DreamOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora