Change For The Better - Chapter 2

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(18/08/14)After a few days, we got really close and he asked me out. I agreed since i also have some feelings for him. So we went to the mall with some friends too, but since i have no experience having a boyfriend and i'm very close with my friends i mostly talk to my girls. Stefan felt really ignored, which i'm confused cause i did talk to him and didn't actually ignore him completely. A few hours later, Stefan and Andrew (Stefan's friend) went home but all i know Andrew was the only one going home. Stefan didn't even told me if he was going to leave. So i just let that happen and spend some time with my friends.

Stefan still didn't text or call, and that was the time i got really worried. I tried calling and texting him but he didn't even reply or even call me back. I texted Andrew asking if Stefan was okay, then he said that Stefan felt really ignored and that he was really upset and pissed off. I got really scared so i texted him saying i was sorry a bunch of times and finally he replied....
Bryana: Stefan what's wrong? You didn't tell me you were going home...
Stefan: You don't even know what you did wrong
Bryana: I'm sorry but i don't know what i did wrong
Stefan: You completely ignored me during the whole time i was there, i got really pissed off so i went home without telling you cause i thought you wouldn't even notice i was gone
Bryana: I didn't ignore you, i'm sorry if you felt that way but you should know i didn't know what else to say to you.
Stefan: Maybe we should keep distance for a while, i'm tired of being ignored.
Bryana: I'm sorry, but i didn't know what else to do :( i'm really sorry
Stefan: *read*

After 3 days without talking, i was missing him so much. I cried everynight during those 3 days, thinking what i've been doing wrong. Thinking what i've been missing out during those times. Everyone knew i was having a really bad time and i didn't know how to handle that kind of situation. Everyone got so worried until one person told stefan what i've been going through. Jimmy, one of Stefan's friend which is also my friend, told him that i've been crying for the whole 3 nights...
Jimmy: Stefan, Bryana has been crying for the whole 3 nights, straight. What happened?
Stefan: What?! I didn't expect that she would cry for the whole 3 nights.
Jimmy: What happended?
Stefan: You know the other day when i asked her out with her friends and Andrew?
Jimmy: Yeah, why?
Stefan: I was feeling a little ignored so i shut her down for the whole 3 days and didn't accept her apology. I was very pissed at her.
Jimmy: Stefan, you should know, she's just 12 going on to 13. You're 18, she's just a little girl. You should remember that, she doesn't have a lot of experince. At her age all she knows is hanging out with her girls.
Stefan: Maybe i over reacted, what should i do?
Jimmy: First you need to talk to her, accept her apology, then you apologize to her for acting that way, give her something she would love, surprise her and give her something unexpected.
Stefan: Okay, thanks jim :)

Just right after he asked jimmy, he directly contacted some friends to help him. The next day at school, Stefan texted me. I asure you i have no idea what was happening. The way he texted me was so cold....
Stefan: We need to talk
Bryana: Okay, after school?
Stefan: Ye

(22/08/14) After school i met him in the cafeteria, he said some things....
Bryana: Hi
Stefan: Look Bryana i'm so sorry about everything, i know i'm being so sensitive about this situation and i'm sorry.
Bryana: Stefan, it's okay. Now that i think about it, it was my fault too. I realize that i was kind of ignoring you, but i didn't mean it at all.
Stefan: I know, sometimes i also forget how young you still are. There's like 4/5 years difference between us.
Bryana: I don't want age difference to tear us apart you know? I like to be spoiled but i can be mature too.
Stefan: I'm sorry Bryana, i don't know if i can go back to the way we used to be.
Bryana: Okay then, i'll give you some time to think those words through. When you have an answer, call me. *leaves*

About a few steps after leaving, i looked back hoping he would chase me and give me an answer but he didn't. While i was leaving, Stefan chased me and brought something a long with him behind his back. As i didn't know he was chasing me...
Stefan hugged me from the back
Bryana: Stefan...?
Stefan: I don't want us to go back the way we used to be, i want us to be better. I'd change for you Bryana, for the better. Because you mean the world to me. I promise i'll be better, for you, for US.
Bryana: *tearing up*
Stefan: I love you Bryana. Don't cry, even if you wanted to cry atleast let me be there for you. *hugs bryana* I want to be the first to be there when you need someone. I want to be your first and your last <3
Bryana: I love you too Stefan. You're going to be my first and my last, the person that's going to be there when i need someone.

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