Timeline Theory

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Wait a minute. Chemical U takes place in 1994 and lasted around 3 months. RBB1 took place around 1995. The beginning of the Albert lore takes place around 1989-1990. RBB2 and Albert Lore has to be 1996, which would mean RBB3 takes place in 2006. Which would also make since because BabyPoke, BabyHyper and BabyCari are around 8 years old. I'm guessing that means that the season 2 Hyper and Cari are working on takes place in 2007-2008, as the first time they see the liquid Hyper doesn't recognize it but does say it looks familiar. That was in June. Then Hyper says "I've been investigating this chemical for months" which would mean that the time he said that would be September or August at the least, as it was summer when he said that.

I know this is really badly written but I just needed to say this.

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