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Russo: Did you have to stab him?
Preston: You weren't there, you didn't hear what he said to me.
Russo: What did he say.
Preston: "What are you gonna do, stab me?"
Sketch, nodding: Thats fair.

Kreek: I wish we could block people in real life.
Nightfoxx: Restraining order.
Tanqr: Murder

Kreek: Go big or go home!
Lego, tears in eyes: I am begging you, don't try and beat Tanqr, for once in your life go home.
Kreek: I'm going big Lego

Chizeled: I have the sharpest memory, name one thing I forgot!
Timmeh: Me in a parking lot a week ago.
Chizeled: Oh that was on purpose, try again.
Kreek staring at Chizeled with an angry expression: YOU LEFT TIMMEH IN A PARKING LOT?!

Preston: I guess you could say I fell for you.
Briana: Preston you literally just fell off a building, how are you still alive?

Sketch, rolling down his window: What seems to be the problem officer?

Peetah: If you ever feel safe remember i'm alive :)

Jelly: Kreek has no survival skills, the urge to win at everything has taken over.
Sanna: Explain.
Jelly, yelling to kreek: RACE YOU TO THE BOTTOM OF THE STAIRS.
Kreek: [Throws himself down the stairs.]

Tanqr: I've never been in a snowball fight before. I don't know the rules.
Woozlo: What
Tanqr: Like is there a point system or is it to the death?

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