006. rewrite destiny

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"Julie, I called up a friend of mine the other day, and I got you and the boys another gig!" Ray told his daughter as she walked into the kitchen for breakfast.

Julie's face lit up. "Really, Dad?! Thank you! That's amazing! Where are we playing?"

"You're going back to the same place I found out you play! I know it might be a little bit of a letdown, but since I might've hindered you from getting a manager before, I figured this would be the best way to make it up to you," said Ray.

Julie smiled and hugged her dad. "Thanks, Dad. Really. You're the best! I'm gonna take some food out to the boys and tell them. See ya later!"

"GUYS, WAKE UP," Julie shouted at the three sleepy teenage boys in the studio.

Luke groaned and rolled over on the couch. "Really, Jules? It's a Saturday morning. Let us sleep."

"Well, my dad just booked us another gig, and I think we all wanna be prepared, right?" asked Julie.

"Another gig?!" exclaimed Reggie. "And I thought I couldn't possibly love Ray anymore!"

Alex shook his head with a tired smile. "You're so in love with that man."

"I am not!" exclaimed Reggie. "I just like him because he reminds me of an older version of me! Don't hate on self-love!"

Julie raised an eyebrow and said, "Okay, I don't know what I just walked into, but please stop talking about Reggie having a crush on my dad. It's weird."

"I don't have a crush on your dad! He's like twenty years older than me!" Reggie exclaimed.

Julie laughed. "We know, Reggie. That's why it's weird."

Luke rolled back over to face the others. "You do talk about him a lot though. There's no denying your obsession with him."

"I do not have an obsession with him!" Reggie exclaimed. "I just never had a good dad growing up, and Ray cares about his family!"

"Okay, moving on," said Julie, "Luke, we have to finish writing Infinite Scars."

Luke sighed. "I don't really wanna sing that in front of a bunch of people yet. Do you have any other ideas?"

Julie shrugged. "I've been working on a song that's for you guys."

"Wait," said Alex, "you're not singing it with us?"

Julie shook her head. "No, I am. But it's for you guys. Like, about you."

Luke nodded. "Sounds good, boss. What's it called?"

Julie smiled and said, "Rewrite Destiny."


As Julie walked onto the stage, she began to introduce the new song. "Hi, we're Julie and the Phantoms, and this is our newest song called Rewrite Destiny." Then she proceeded to sing the chorus of their new song. The band had agreed to start with a bang.

🎶We've broken through the cages
Yeah, now we're soaring free
Don't know where we're headed next
But we know we'll rewrite our destiny🎶

Then, the boys poofed in collectively with their instruments.

🎶We were gone for years and now we're back
Can you hear it, Can you hear it
Can you see us, Can you see us
We were gone for years and now we're back
No going back, No catching slack🎶

🎶We've broken through the cages
Yeah, now we're soaring free
Don't know we're headed next
But we know we'll rewrite our destiny🎶

Then, Luke got his own solo with the first 3 lines of verse 2. Julie then got her own solo with the fourth and fifth lines of verse 2.

🎶We've got no time to waste
Flying faster with eagles wings
We've got moves to make
You shout out the songs we write
We'll always stay and gleam this bright🎶

Reggie and Alex sang together for the pre-chorus before everyone joined back together.

🎶Yeah, we're movin'
Yeah, we're groovin'🎶

🎶We've broken through the cages
Yeah, now we're soaring free
Don't know we're headed next
But we know we'll rewrite our destiny🎶

Everyone continued to sing together for the last verse, pre-chorus, and chorus.

🎶We'll never see the end coming
March on while the beat's drumming
See the diamond across the room
Don't stop for it, you'll be there soon
Wasting all our nights away
Can't wait until we see the day🎶

🎶Where we're all living out the dream,
You're living out the dream🎶

🎶We've broken through the cages
Yeah, now we're soaring free
Don't know we're headed next
But we know we'll rewrite our destiny🎶

Alex and Reggie poofed out, and finally, for the outro, Julie and Luke sang a duet.

🎶We know we'll rewrite our destiny
It's the greatest thing the world's ever seen
And we're singing, with you next to me🎶

[Music fades out]

After the show, Nick walked up to the boys to congratulate them while Julie was talking with Flynn. He specifically looked at Luke when speaking. "Wow, you are very talented. You should join the class Julie and I are partners together in school."

Luke looked Nick up and down, trying to figure out why he was so bothered by the little twerp. Julie said she didn't like him, so why was the little twerp still bothering him? "I'm good but maybe you should ask Carrie to."

Nick's face mirrored the disgust he was feeling. "Yeah, no. We dated, and that's long gone. Julie's the better one in class anyways. She's a better person than Carrie and hotter too."

That comment made Luke's blood boil. "Why are you so obsessed with her? Julie doesn't even like you."

Flynn saw Luke and Nick looking angry at each other and told Julie, "Uh, I think we should go over and talk to the guys. Your two lover boys look like they're about to rip each other's throats out."

Julie glanced over and saw that Flynn wasn't joking in the slightest. Nick and Luke both looked like they were holding back violence. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."

As soon as she walked over there, Nick turned around and asked her, "Hey Julie, are you and Luke dating?"

She looked at Luke, who was begging her to say yes. Nick was obviously getting under his skin, and Luke wanted to put him in his place. "No, but I'm not really interested in anyone else. We're giving it time before we become official."

Luke let out a little sigh of relief. He doubted what she was saying was true, but it made him feel better. "See, I told you, dude. She's not interested in you."

Nick rolled his eyes at Luke. "Julie, I know I've asked you before, but will you go out with me?"

Luke could feel anger rushing throughout his entire body.

Julie shook her head. "Sorry, Nick, but I already told you, I like someone else, and Luke is the only--"

"I know. I know. But, will you please just give me a chance?" asked Nick. "It doesn't have to be serious. We can just go as friends. I want to get to know you better."

Julie sighed. "Okay. Fine."

Flynn's jaw dropped. She could not have just said that.

Luke felt his heart tighten in his chest. Was this what it felt like to lose what you cared about most before it was ever even yours?

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