ONE - atlanta

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Pre- Season One

Odessa Rhee woke up to the sound of her dad singing an 80s song and cooking breakfast. She groaned, got out of bed, and dragged her feet to the bathroom. After brushing her teeth and attempting to brush her hair, she left the bathroom and went to the kitchen.

"Good morning, bug," Javier said. "Morning, Papi."

"Did you pack yet? You know we're leaving in the morning."

Dessa realized that she had forgotten to pack. "Ummmm, yeah, I just need to pack my toiletries."

"Mmhmm" Javier said, "Well, eat up and actually pack your stuff."

Javier passes her a plate of food along with her Orange juice and her medication

"Do I have to go to Atlanta with you guys? I can just stay here and watch the house," Odessa said.

"There's no way in hell we're leaving you in the house alone for a week," Xiomara said as she walked into the kitchen, still in her pajamas.

"Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with Xio on this, bug. Sorry," Javier said.

"Por favor, please Papi. You know I don't like going to America. Everything is confusing there," Odessa pleaded.

Javier sighed. "I know, bug, but you get to see your brother after what, 5 or 6 years?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure he doesn't even know what you look like, Des," Xio added.

Odessa rolled her eyes. "Fine. But don't expect me to not complain the whole time."

"When do you not complain?" Xio quipped.

Dessa flipped her sister off when Javier turned away.

Xio dramatically gasped. "Papi! Did you not see that?"

"See what?" he said.

Dessa laughed and put her dishes in the sink.

"Papi, she just flipped me off!"

"Dessa," he said, raising his eyebrows.

"Si," she said.

"Did you flip your sister off?"

"What?" Dessa replied dramatically. "I would never. I don't even know what that means."

"Oh, bullshit," Xio said.

"Language, Xiomara," Javier scolded.

"Papi really?" Xio said.

"Yes, really," he replied.

"ANYWAYS," Dessa said, "I'm gonna go pack." She walked down the hallway to her room and immediately turned on her record player. "I guess it's time to pack for this stupid trip. At least I get to miss school."

By the time Odessa actually finished packing, due to all the procrastinating she ended up doing, it was already 3 in the morning. Dessa realized that she would have to sleep on the plane. She placed her bags in the living room and saw her dad watching a telenovela on the couch.

"What are you still doing up?" he asked.

"Just finished packing," she replied.

"You?" she asked.

"Couldn't sleep," he admitted with a yawn. He patted the spot next to him, inviting her to sit beside him.

She sat down and wrapped her arms around him. "How are you doing, bug?"

"I'm alright."

"That's good."

"Bug," he said.

"Yes," she hummed.

"No matter what happens, I will always be there to protect you, okay?"

"Where's this coming from?" she asked.

"I don't know, just thinking about some things."

"You're so weird," she said, and they both chuckled.

"Yeah, whatever bug. Now go get some sleep. We're leaving at 6."

"Sure we are."

"I'm serious. I want us in the car by 6 am. Our flight is at 7:30."

"Mmhmm," she said.

"Goodnight, Papi. I love you."

"I love you too, bug."


They in fact did not leave at 6, Javier forgot to set his alarm and woke up AT 6 and they left the house at 6:45 and had to run to their gate to get to their plane on time.

They were currently sitting in the airport in Atlanta waiting for Glenn to come pick them up

"Is he almost here?" Dessa says

"My bags are really heavy"

"Nobody told you to pack all of that stuff in the first place Des," Xio said

"Its better to be overpacked than under packed, you have to be prepared for every possible situation"

"We're literally going to be here for a week, What's the worse that could happen?"

As soon as Odessa opened her mouth to say something, a Pizza Delivery Car pulled up in front of them

Glenn stepped out of the car and awkwardly waved

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late there was a lot of traffic"

"It's perfectly fine son, Thank you for picking us up," he said as he started to put the bags in the car along with Xio.

"Long time no see," Glenn said to Odessa and laughed awkwardly

"Yea," Dessa said hesitatingly. It was going to be a long week

"Ok I think that's everything we're ready to go," Javier said

"Ok," Glenn said and everyone got into the car.

The car ride was awkward and Odessa was ready to off herself by the time they made it to his apartment. It was a small, 2-bedroom apartment and Dessa felt claustrophobic just standing in the living room

"Make yourself at home guys, I have to go to work but I will be back with dinner around 6. There's Takeout in the fridge if u get hungry"

"Ok. Thank You for having us again" Javier said

"Of course, anytime" and he smiled and walked out the front door

"Im ready to go back home," Odessa said

"Oh hush he's just nervous," Xio said as she sat on the couch turned on the tv as she click thru the channels Javier and Odessa joined her she ended up on a news channel talking about some new virus that was spreading

"Boooooo nobody wants to watch that boring stuff," Odessa said and snatched the remote from her and put on The Powerpuff Girls

"You know that could have been important right"

"right papi?"

Javier was snoring with his head back.

Odessa laughed "It can't be that important if it wasn't on any mainstream news channels"


authors note:
hii pookies i hate this smmm 😭😭
but i promise it gets better ok js hang tight.
chapter 2 will be outt soon!!!

cay 😘

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