PROLOGUE, what has been sowed shall be reaped

Start from the beginning

Daemon hadn't been back since, and Rhea had no qualms about it.

Besides, she had what she needed, and it certainly wasn't Daemon Targaryen.

The overcast sky and the sound of waves crashing against the rocks underneath Runestone set a pleasant hum in Rhea's chest as she galloped away from the castle on her new silver mare, a gift for her thirty-fifth nameday from her sister Rowena. She'd finally had some time to herself without someone constantly following her around Runestone's keep wanting her for appointments, engagements, or frankly, just for her attention. It had become very tiring and bothersome at times, especially when one particular person followed her around at all times of the day.

As she rode into the valley, Rhea met her cousins Gerold and Gunthor Royce, donned in the same deep bronze armor etched with runes that she wore herself. The three of them had been given sets of armor belonging to the collection that has been in their family for generations. It was said that the owner could not be injured whilst wearing the armor, but Rhea had doubts about that legend. Armor was armor, but a person's fate was in the hands of the gods.

"Good morrow, Lady Rhea," Gerold greeted, followed by a nod from his twin brother.

Rhea couldn't help the discomfort from growing on her face. "Cousins."

Their relationship had never been friendly even though they only ever exchanged pleasantries.

"What's today's quarry? Rabbit?" Gunthor asked. If Rhea knew better—which she did—there was a hint of mockery in his tone, but she'd grown used to it after the years. Many believed that Gerold should have inherited Runestone and its title, as he was the eldest male in the family.

But nevertheless, they were loyal to their house. They would still jab at her endlessly for having an absent husband, though, and Rhea would retort back that they were not married at all. That changed of course, when Gerold married Rowena of all women after the Great Council of 101 and now had his son, Willam. Gunthor, too, had married Alys Belmore, who had once been Rhea's closest friend, and they had their children, Robar and Myranda. Rhea no longer had a weapon against them, but they still had theirs.

"Deer," Rhea replied stiffly.

"Oh, fine challenge. Care for some company?" Gerold offered, sharing an amused look with his brother.

The sarcasm was practically dripping from his lips.

Rhea started her horse forward with a kick. "I'd rather ride alone."

She heard Gunthor call out after her, "Good fortune to you."

Annoying pricks.

They cared for one another deep down, Rhea supposed, but she never saw a bit of such compassion from her cousin, and she never gave it either. Such loyalty came from their dedication to their house.

Once, when Rhea was perhaps thirteen, she had been training with her bow and a few men from lesser houses had teased her and had questioned the honor of House Royce by default. Gerold and Gunthor, being seven years her senior, had quickly stepped in and put those men in their place.

But that was all they had ever done for her, and likely all that they ever would do.

With the wind whipping through her shoulder-length hair and biting at her cheeks, Rhea never felt more alive. Riding was one of her greatest passions, and she could spend days on horseback without growing sore at all.

Rhea had few enjoyments in her life, and with one at Runestone that was being quite irksome at the moment, she decided to use the other to clear her mind.

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