➼ Justice served.

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Anga | Within the town

Karna, after concluding the court proceedings, managed to slip out of the palace discreetly. The issue concerning the woman appeared to have a straightforward solution, but he needed to verify the accuracy of his assumptions, both regarding the woman and the rākṣasa.

Hence, his sudden departure.

The town surrounding the palace was well-kept, with houses lining both sides of the streets, interspersed with various shops. Disguised in common attire with his face hidden, Karna blended into the surroundings seamlessly.

The streets were illuminated by several torches, casting a dim glow in the darkness. Oil lamps flickered in the courtyards of the houses. He made his way swiftly towards a modest-looking residence, and after knocking on the door, he patiently awaited a response.

"Who could be knocking at this hour?" Grumbled complaints emanated from within the house. He was mildly amused. However, the grumbles quickly turned to wide-eyed astonishment upon seeing Karna.

"Vijaydeva," Karna greeted, "I apologize for disturbing your rest at such a late hour."

"M-Maharaja!" Vijaydeva stammered, bowing deeply and appearing quite flustered. "I did not— I'm sorry, I was unaware. Please, come inside."

"No," Karna declined with a shake of his head, "Take a look at this and once you've read it, burn it." Karna waited patiently, watching as comprehension dawned on Vijaydeva's face. Without hesitation, his Senapati followed his instructions, promptly incinerating the parchment with the assistance of an oil lamp.

"It shall be done, Maharajah."

Karna nodded and took his leave. One task was now complete. Next on his agenda was a meeting with one of his trusted spies, whom he had dispatched to investigate the woman.

"Maharaja, the family members are incredibly self-centered," the spy reported with a look of disgust.

"What about the husband?" Karna inquired, although he already anticipated the response.

"A man lacking in backbone," the spy replied promptly, "However, he does possess some intelligence, and he's a capable soldier."

Karna mused quietly, "Fascinating!"

Anga | Akshat Palace 

He greatly disliked this arrangement. Usually he would have said no. However, his brothers had requested with pleading eyes and a soft tone. He hadn't been able to refuse. They had simply wanted to share breakfast with him.

What made this situation uncomfortable, however, was the incidental presence of Devi Kunti in his palace.

He felt ill at ease in her company and had hoped to avoid facing her altogether. Unfortunately, circumstances left him with no choice. He found himself seated in the palace dining room, surrounded by the Pandavas, Duryodhan, and Vikarna, while servants bustled about. In the center of the room, a low table was laden with a delectable breakfast spread for them all. As the servants prepared to serve the dishes, a voice sent a chill down his spine, "Hold on."

Why was the Rajmata getting involved? She had been standing silently on the sidelines, with her ever-loyal handmaiden, Priyamvada, by her side. Karna had previously been successful in dismissing her presence from his mind with relative ease. Yet, the moment she spoke, it became incredibly difficult to disregard her.

"I would like to serve everyone," he heard her say calmly. "I hope that wouldn't be an issue."

She was directly addressing him, and the mere thought sent a cold shiver down his spine. He closed his eyes briefly, taking several deep breaths to rein in his temper. For the first time, he met her gaze directly, and he noticed the concerned glances exchanged among those present.

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