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Hastinapura - Swayamvara Hall


He was getting a massive headache. He was regretting taking over this entire matter. Not because of Dushala's Swayamvara but the idiots that called themselves participants in the ceremony.

And there were the elders of this cursed dynasty too.

Their audacity was amazing to watch. He had watched the surprise flicker in the Raghu dynasty's princes. He had been taken aback as well. Who asked the person belonging from the kingdom whom rejected their invitation to join in? There was a limit to brashness, but these people whom his brothers called their family could honestly go at any length to gain their coveted political advantage.

Again, he should repeat. He was getting a massive headache.

While he was tentatively happy about Prince Luv completing the task, there was another problem standing on the way. Or rather, the way of Dushala.

No, that wasn't the conditions of Prince Luv but rather someone far more influential than him. Something told him that the Prince Luv's elder sister will not be pleased by this matrimonial development. His sister would need to prove herself worthy of Ayodhya.

As he glanced at the smirking figure of the man who completed the task, he hoped he was able to hide the anxiousness he felt for his sister's future troubles. When he felt Ashwathama gently nudge his shoulder, he knew he had failed.

"Don't worry so much, worrywart. The KuruKanya isn't so frail."

"I know she isn't Ashwathama. I just hope she won't give up. Dushala had never faced the kind of trials she may have to face. Prince Luv is a crown prince and the kingdom is Ayodhya."

He saw understanding in Ashwathama's gaze as he replied, "I know. But I've heard the Queen is kind as she is stern. Pitamaha Bharadwaj speaks of Devi Sanchali fondly."

"That it may be, Ashwathama. It doesn't escape the fact that she is a Queen. And a Queen would always put her subjects first. If she feels Dushala isn't capable, I fear what will happen then."

"And there is another problem to that as well." Ashwathama glanced at a wary Duryodhana who hadn't left his sister's side. "Your presence had made the Kauravas come closer to their sister. I fear they will interfere if they feel their sister is not treated delicately."

"It will make any such upcoming matters worse. We'll have to handle it, because..."

"...you don't trust the elders to do it." He smiled when Ashwathama completed his sentence. He nodded at his words, "Yeah. Although I am hoping Mata Ganga would handle this entire matter since she is present."

"We can only hope." He hummed to Ashwathama's words, watching as Devi Ganga and Prince Luv conversed with each other. "Vasusena?"

He turned towards his friend with an inquisitive gaze at his call. They had been conversing in low tones for most of the Swayamvara.

"I noticed you weren't worried about the probable conditions the prince may put forth."

"I..." He trailed off wondering how to explain that he intuitively understood that whatever Prince Luv would ask wouldn't be harmful or cause pain to anyone. "I...Ashwathama, I think he wouldn't ask something absurd. Whatever his conditions may be, in the end, the elders have to coincide. It doesn't matter at the end."

He held his friend's anxious gaze calmly, smiling a bit when he nodded at his words. "When did you get so wise, Vasusena?"

His thoughts immediately went towards an alluring woman he called a dear friend. A peculiar yet exhilarating emotion was attached with her whenever he thought of her. He has yet to name the emotion but he missed her. It had been months since they had met. He did not know which kingdom she belonged to or where she stayed. He could ask his Gurudeva, since they met through him, but it would be embarrassing to ask him. So he had stayed quiet, no matter the knowing glances his Gurudeva and Mata Dharini shot at him when they thought he wouldn't notice.

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