Ch 2: Voices that appear

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Every pup was in bed having lovely dreams except Skye. She was having a nightmare from what just happened to her, she thought she heard someone or something call her but whenever she looks at the direction of where the voice was coming from no one was there

Marshall: Skye, wake up! It's only a dream, calm down.

Skye opened her eyes, filled with terror, her heart started to beat fast a Panic Attack soon came and Marshall didn't know what to do.

Marshall: I'll go and get Chase, I'll be right back ok? And calm down...

Marshall soon got to Chase who was talking to Ryder about the next mission.

Marshall: Chase you might want to see if Skye's ok.

Chase: Why? Is she ok?

Marshall: no not really...

Chase: what happened to her? Is she ok?!

Marshall: it's because she had a nightmare and It was a bad one.

Chase: What?! She had a what?!

Marshall: I know it's hard but she's freaking out

Chase: alright I'll go and check on her...

During the afternoon Ryder told the pups that he was going out with Danny and Katie and left the pups alone with Chase in charge.

Marshall: Welp what are we going to do now? You know since Ryder is gone.

Rocky: I'm not sure.

Zuma: Hey Chase can we go swimming?

Chase: um it's better if we stay here just in case if anyone breaks into the lookout.

While Chase, Zuma and Rocky were talking about what they would do, Marshall noticed something wrong with Skye and went to check if she was ok.

Marshall: Hey Skye, you good?

Skye: oh yeah I'm good.

Skye started to panic from her nightmare she had she couldn't get it out of her head it was like a rolacostar a nightmare that never leaves.

Marshall: Hey Skye calm down. Do you want me to go and get Chase for you? Cause I can if you want me to.

Skye nodded at the answer and Marshall went over to Chase.

Chase: hey Marshall, what's up?

Marshall: it's Skye...

Chase: is she ok?

Marshall whispering: she's having another Panic attack you'll have to check up on her....

Chase: What!!!

Rocky and Zuma suddenly looked at Chase and Marshall confusedly looking like something werid just happened....

Chase: continue Zuma and Rocky.

The two suddenly spoke again to each other and walked away from Marshall and Chase.

Chase: I'll go and see her.

Marshall: alright.

A few minutes later Marshall heard something not so far away from the lookout..

Marshall: Hey what's that? (Hears, a bomb go off) Oh Dog we got to warn Ryder right now

Zuma and Rocky went to look for Ryder as quickly and fast as possible meanwhile, Chase was looking after Skye who has eventually calmed down.

Chase: you ok?

Skye: yes, I am now....(kind of sad)

Chase: are you sure?

Skye: yeah, I'm ok....

Ryder soon got home and was greeted by his pups...

Marshall: Ryder! I heard an explosion not so far away from the lookout...

Ryder's eyes went in shock as he heard the news

Ryder: an explosion? Where?

Marshall: somewhere over there..

Marshall spoke as he pointed near town, Ryder couldn't believe what he heard from Marshall...

As soon as they got to the place Ryder was shocked to see that place where the explosion was, was that it was where he was just at....

Ryder: the explosion was from here....

Marshall: yep, looks like it.

Ryder: Marshall.....

Marshall: yes Ryder?

Ryder: I was just here...

Marshall: you were?

Ryder: I was....

Every pup's eyes were shocked they didn't know that Marshall had just saved Ryder's life from being killed by an explosion....

Sorry if this was so long I was busy packing up for a holiday that I totally forgot about the story so I hoped you enjoyed it...

Have a good day/afternoon/evening

Word count: 656

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