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Ch. 8: Baby Talk and Death

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"Have you lost your senses?" Nuni cried out, her shoulders shaking in rage. "What have you done?"

Jarrah rolled his eyes. "Calm down, mother. It wasn't like it was planned."

"How could you be so careless? You foolish child!"

Rayne scowled. "He's not foolish, and he's not a child."

Nuni's eyes shot to Rayne's as the mad queen's lips twisted into a snarl. "You did this," she hissed, taking a menacing step forward. "You bewitched my son, I know you did!"

"Nuni, that's enough," Nitakechi snapped. He grabbed his wife to prevent her from getting any closer to Rayne, who was now protected behind Jarrah's wide-set shoulders.

Rayne wanted to respect his parents, but she'd stand up to them if she had to. There were three things in her life that she'd always defend. Her family, her mate, and now her baby. And if that meant making his parents hate her, then so be it. It wasn't the baby talk she wanted, but what did she expect? Especially after that lunch conversation with Nuni?

"She made our son turn his back on his own kind! A hybrid—a hybrid as future ruler, Nita!" Nuni dry-sobbed. "After your family provided a pure bloodline for centuries!"

Rayne thinned her lips to keep from rolling her eyes. Shouldn't they be happy that they're getting an heir at all? Wolf pups were sacred beings, especially the alpha's child. Did they not share the same loving customs?

Motherhood was off to a rocky start for Rayne, and she suddenly wished she was back home with her family celebrating the surprise. At least there she could have her mother guiding her through it all. It didn't seem like Nuni wanted to share any sentiment of the special time at all.

"Our child is the rightful heir to the crown," Jarrah bit out harshly. "And Rayne isn't going anywhere, so I suggest you find a way to cope with it. She will be the next queen mother, and our child will be both alpha and ruler of the forest."





The fierce pounding on the other side of the closed library door interrupted Nitakechi's words. Their heads snapped to the side as a handful of royal guards barged in with their milky eyes ghosting over their irises. Rayne stepped forward, alarmed.

Takoum, who was posted outside of the library, was at their side at once.

"King Jarrah, there's been another attack," Takoum informed them, gesturing over to the group of guardsmen who were all clutching their makeshift spears. Wings spread, fahpo oozing from their pulsing bodies, the Fae were ready to defend their king with fierce loyalty. "On the informant."

Jarrah stepped forward, tensed. "Where?" he demanded.

"The body's in the courtyard now. We found it on patrol outside of the glamor," a guardsman who Rayne didn't recognize informed him.

Jarrah cursed under his breath and Nita moved closer to his side. He shared a look with his son and nodded once, before turning back to the guards.

"Take us to him at once," he commanded.

Jarrah turned to Takoum then and nudged Rayne towards him. "Takoum, take Rayne and my mother to the hidden room down below. And don't come up until I give the word," he instructed.

Rayne, scoffing with disgust, pushed away from Takoum. "The hell I am! I'm coming with you."

Jarrah's expression hardened. "No, you're not. It's too dangerous for you right now, Rayne. You'll be much safer with my mother and Takoum in our—"

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