Chapter 18: Mr. Nobody

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Nobody's POV
As Dom races to catch Shaw there the streets of L.A., they stop in a dark tunnel and drove their cars into eachother. Shaw and Dom stepped out their cars, Shaw says, "Never should've messed with a mans family."
Dom then says, "Funny, cause I told your brother the same thing."
"Re-enforced your chest. Like going into a ring with weighted gloves." Dom says but gets interrupted by Shaw as he says, "Your mistake. I'm not here to play games."
Dom and Shaw just stare at each other, so Shaw continues and says, "See you and me, we come from different worlds. Trust me I've seen a lot meaner streets than the ones your used to."
"Stick around. It's gonna get a lot meaner." Dom says while holding a metal bar in his hand ready to fight until Shaw cocks back a gun and says, "Thought this was gonna be a street fight?"
Out of nowhere military men start shooting at Shaw, so Shaw shoots back while running away. Military trucks come out of nowhere and surround Dom.
"On the ground. Now!" A soldier yells at Dom. As they step closer to him, Dom uses the bar and beat a soldier down while putting another in a choke hold and yells, "Drop it or I'll drop you!"
Then someone with a suit and dark shades yells, "Woah, woah, guys. We're all on the same team here."
As the guys reaches Dom he says, "Mr. Toretto. I'm here on a recommendation of a mutual friend of our. Hobbs."
Dom looks at the man up and down while still holding the soldier in a choke hold and says, "Who the hell are you."
"Oh me, well, just a guy. I'm, Mr. Nobody." Mr. Nobody states with a smirk.
Dom then says, "That's a big entrance for a nobody. And that guy that put our mutual friend in the hospital? You just let him get away!"
"Nah, I think that I might have just save your ass there Dom." Mr. Nobody explains.
Dom just tightened his hold on the soldier.
"Listen, do you think you can let go of my guy there? He's, uh, he's beginning to turn a little blue." Mr. Nobody says as he takes his shaded off.
Dom gives the soldier one last squeeze and pushes him to the ground while Mr. Nobody says, "I appreciate that."
They then hear the police sirens.
"And, here they come." Mr. Nobody exclaims grinning.
"Listen Dom. There's a war going on between shadows and ghosts like me. You and your team walked into the middle of it in London and it appears that now it has followed you home. It's up to you." Mr. Nobody explains as he puts his shades back on and continues by saying, "I'm gonna have a beer!" and starts to walk away but speaks up again and says, "Your welcome to join. By the way, I can get you Deckard Shaw." Mr. Nobody then makes a hand move meant to the soldiers to clear out while leaving Dom confused as to how he knew everything that happened from London to now.
Covert Operations Base- El Segundo, CA
Mr. Nobody stands in a room and pours some beer into a glass cup.
He holds it up to Dom and says, "Belgium Ale." and takes a sip of his beer.
"Oh man, those munks got it right. I mean, I don't know about the whole "celibacy" thing, but when it comes to beer... Would you like one?" Mr. Nobody asks Dom.
"Nah, I'm more of a Corona man myself." Dom says smirking.
Mr. Nobody smirks and says, "Ah." as he pulls out a bucket that says 'Corona Extra' on it that has some ice and a few bottles of Corona in the bucket.
Dom looks kind of surprise, but grins.
"Your files, not only detailed, it's extremely entertaining." Mr. Nobody explains to Dom while opening a Corona for Dom and handing it to him.
When Dom finally took the beer out of Mr. Nobody's hand then began to walk down the hallway and discussed a few things about Deckard Shaw.
"Look, Shaw's power is that he's, uh, well he's a shadow! He's really good about getting in and out of places with out being seen and leaving nothing but a body count in his wake, I mean, he's a legit ament English badass. But to be honest with you Dom, I don't give two shits about Deckard Shaw. It's you that I want. Because you and I can help each other with what we both need." Mr. Nobody states as they come to a stop and face each other.
Dom thinks for a couple of seconds before saying, "I'm listening."
"Just recently a private military company lead by a wanted terrorist named Mose Jakande. He kidnapped a hacker none other than by the name Ramsey. And lady liberty's got her panties in a bunch over this, but rightly so because this Ramsey has created something interesting." Mr. Nobody explains to Dom. He then walks over to a soldier and says, "Bring it up." while the soldier than says, "Yes sir."
"Say hello to Gods eye. Now this little bastard hacks into anything that's on the digital network. That means every cell phone, satellite, ATM machine and computer simultaneously. If it's got a microphone or lense, Gods eye can use it to find you." Mr. Nobody states as he shows Dom what Gods eye can do.
Dom stands near a table while he asks, "So you invited me here to show me a tracking device.?"
"On steroids. Lots of them. Let me put it to you this way. It took us nearly a decade to find Osma bin laden, but with this, you can locate anybody in the world in just a couple hours. And that's a serious piece of machinery that an be catastrophic in the wrong hands. For some nauseating political reasons. Any rescues plans that involve any U.S. Government Forces or entity, has been strictly ruled out.and hats why I need you." Mr. Nobody finishes explaining Gods eye.
"So, why do I need you?" Dom asks with a smirk. "I mean, I can go back outside. Enjoy the rest of the Coronas, let Shaw come to me."
"You could do that. How's that working out for you so far? You got one friend in the ground, another in the hospital. And of corse there's that little issue of that bomb that destroyed your home. Shaw lives in a world that doesn't play by your rules. Like it or not, you live in that world too." Mr. Nobody says while still trying to get Dom on his side. "You wanna know how to kill a shadow? You shine a little light on it. If you get the Gods eye for me, I've already got authorization for you to use it until you get Shaw. You go from the hunted to the hunter and there's no place earth that Shaw can hide from you. And more importantly, you and your family, don't got to anymore funerals. You get Ramsey, you get the Gods eye, you get Shaw. Well that's the whined up in the pitch.ow that I've given you this extremely sensitive and highly classified information, what do you think Toretto?"
"I think you already know what I'm gonna tell em." Dom says sternly. "Good." Mr. Nobody states as he was about to walk away but Dom stops him by saying, "But. It'll be my way. And my crew."
"I assumed you'd might say that. That's why I've taken the liberty of ring your team." Mr. Nobody exclaims as he points behind Dom at the moving cars down below.
Tej, Roman, Brian, and Han step out of the cars and like usual Roman was the first one to open up his mouth. "This is crazy. What the hell is goin on in here?"
As the boys met up near a table, Mr. Nobody explained where Ramsey would be.
"So let me get this straight. There's only one road that leads in or out. Shear drops on either side. A motor cave from hell protected by a small army, from 1 mile in every direction?" Roman asks and Mr. Nobody answers with a "Yeah. That's about it."
"You done." A soldier asks Mr. Nobody but Roman took it as to the soldier was speaking to him so Roman said, "No, I'm not done."
Roman then looks at Dom, Brian, Tej and Han and says, "So, you all wanted me to break into a police station. Fine. Then you ask me to stop a tank. I wasn't happy about it, but I did it. Then you came up with this brilliant idea, to shoot down one of the largest airplanes. Ever. I shot that shit out of the sky." Roman says while making a gun with his hand and pointing his hand at the ceiling while saying, "Hm. It's nothing. But this right here my friend, happens to be, the stupidest idea that I've ever heard in my life."
"I-I forgot. You were the only one to bring that plane down." Tej says sarcastically.
"No. No the only thing I saw him take down was no knees Denise. Remember? At Prom?" Brian says trying to keep a straight face by laughing really hard inside.
"Really Brian? You gon do this right here?" Roman says feeling butt-hurt while Brian broke, and started laughing while telling Tej silently what happened, and said, "Yeah." as Tej and Brian laughed.
"So y'all tryna get me off my point! All I'm tryna say is, I'm tired of everybody around me, makin all decisions! This time, I lead." Roman states. "Seriously. If I'm not the one makin decisions then, I'm out.!"
"Alright Roman. What do you got." Dom asks knowing that Roman is just full of himself.
Roman looks surprised but then starts stuttering as he says, "I-I wasn't tryna get into the whole leadership thing like, now. You know what I'm sayin, I mean, at some point. You know, when we... Whatever. I mean, I think..." He then looks at the soldier and looks back at the digital table and finishes by saying, "Let's hit it from here." but gets interrupted by the soldier when the soldier says, "I don't think tha..."
"Nah, don't think! That's my job. Shh shh." Roman says interrupting the soldier.
The soldier give Mr. Nobody a look and Mr. Nobody just shrugs.
"Ok. It is impossible to hit it there. That is literally the most secure spot the mountain. Why? Because you can not physically access it." The soldier says in a rather harsh tone.
"Yeah, but that's what makes it so sweet. Cause that the place where they least expect us to hit them from!" Roman explains to the soldier.
Brian than thinks about it. "I hate to say it, but I think he's on to something there. What do you think Dom?"
Dom then points to where Roman did and asks, "Here." while Roman says, "Yeah."
"I think we got our plan." Dom says smirking.
Mr. Nobody jumps into the conversation and says, "That is completely wrong thinking. And I like it."
"See! I'm good at this." Roman says rubbing it in the soldiers face.
"Good? Ok. How are you planning to get on that road?" The soldier asks making the image bigger on the table showing a very thin, curved road.
Roman looked at it and thought 'Oh shit', so he said, "Well... Tej?"
"I think I might actually have a plan for that." Tej says while thinking.
The soldier then gives Roman a dirty look.
"What? I delegated. That's what good leaders do! Leader!" Roman says as a smart remark.
Mr. Nobody then turns to Dom and says, "You know, when I was reading your files I was impressed with what you've accomplished with you team. But meeting them now, I gotta say Dom, you've truly got a gift!" and starts to walk away, but turns around and speaks loudly so that everyone can hear him. "Expect my workshop to be your new playhouse. I think you'll find our cars extremely appealing. And your team! Is now complete!"
Everyone then turns around to see Letty and Jaelene.

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