𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑒

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We were back to school the week after Thomas' party. I had thought after the awful yet embarrassing events of the party would have lead to my fear of going back to school since I knew people would probably be whispering and wondering what had happened. 

Avery had mentioned the video clips circling around social media of Harry storming up the stairs to find me in a room with Oliver. Practically everyone in the entire school had seen it and if they hadn't, someone would probably have shown them. 

I still had bruises that were slowly but surely fading away around my wrist. Although looking at them didn't seem so bad anymore. Not after Harry has spent the night kissing each bruise. The purplish patches on my pale skin were reminders of the places his lips had been and the memory made me smile. 

I wasn't glad that Oliver had tried to hurt me but the terrible night ended on a much lighter note. Harry held me the entire night, promising me that no one would ever come near me like that ever again. 

A blush spread across my cheeks just thinking about the morning after. I had woken up with my face in Harry's neck and his arm wrapped round me. His sheets smelt of his aftershave and bergamont laundry detergent and I don't think I could get the scent out of my nose. 

Something had switched between us since that night. Although I had to leave his room in a hurry barely having enough time to thank him for helping me, it felt as though the moment itself had tethered together the strings of our relationship easier than words ever could. 

I really, really, really liked him. 

I don't think I could put in enough effort to push him away despite my subconscious telling me to. I wanted to be with him, in every sense of the word. 

When his car pulled up outside the house, I immediately smiled. Avery wasn't in school today because she had a swim meet outside of town so it was just Harry and I driving into school. 

I grabbed my bag and swung the front door open just as he was closing the door of his car. He looked particularly good today. His school shirt was untucked with the buttons undone and a white vest underneath with his gold chain and rings on his fingers. His hair was all over the place like he had just rolled out of head. 

"Sweet Chastity!" He opened his arms, "My morning's just gotten ten times better."

I beamed, my cheeks hurting as I ran into his embrace. I collided against him, my arms trying to wrap around his torso as I buried my face in his chest. "Hi Harry,"

"Ready for school?" He smirked, his hands moving up and down my back. 

"I have a French test this afternoon." I sighed, walking to the passenger side of the car and sliding into the seat. 

"Ahhh, je veux que tu sois ma copine." He says and I nearly pass out as he speaks French so effortlessly. 

I turn to plug in my seatbelt as a way of not showing the flustered look on my face, "Such a showoff," I murmur, "We're only doing directions and modes of transport." 

Chastity H.SWhere stories live. Discover now