The Job

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She finally met the infamous Kaz Brekker.
He lead her to his office, but before Inara gave Inej that look, but because Inej trusted him, she might as well do the same thing.
He sat on a chair and instructed her to do so, he was fully clothes, like and armour.
His hands where covered and he has a cane, a crow cane.
She stared at it as he went through some papers before he slid one towards her catching her attention, he held no emotion in his eyes.
She looked down at it nor understanding until he decided to explain "That is a contract, if you know what it means.
Your contract with Heleen," she looked down and read '4 years' and looked back up at him "You finished your four years there, but if course you did not know and since you were so clueless she would have kept you there, making money of her own."
She nodded understanding, she did not know what to say.

"Thank you, Brekker" she managed to say, her voice soft and low and she spoke.
"I did not do this for you".
He's nice she thought ironically.
"I know, Brekker. I'm surprised you even accepted on helping me get out".

"We could always use someone like you. And, Inej insisted, I wonder if you're really that important" he implied, grabbing a small piece of paper with something written on it and carefully handed it to her, she gently grabbed it, hiding her face expression at the last phrase he said.

She read  Jahzara Fajra and an exact location.
She looked confused once again and looked up "Who is this?"

"She will offer you a job."


Ketterdam's streets smelled like old soup and unwashed bodies, they were dark, merely lit by streetlights that barely worked.
Gangs all over, people threatening others everywhere you turned, markets in each alley.
Inara walked by stands and bought what was necessary, knives, a black hood, she was surprised she found Miswak and bought enough for months, Miswak was rarely present in countries like this.
People pushed pass her and she pushed pass them as she kept on walking, her new hood covering her entire body, the last things she bought were clothes and kohl.

She had to find on her own her way to this woman's house of whatever it was.
She arrived to a deserted street, she walked silently not knowing why she didn't just climbed the building and jumped from roof to roof.
She was as quiet as Inej, she could her her own breathing and heard someone behind her, she slowly turned around to find nothing and no one, she brushed aways that feeling of someone following her and kept on walking until she reached the right address Kaz Brekker have her.
She knocked a few times and again and again until a man showed up instructing her to come in.

She hesitated before stepping inside, the man lead her to a room before closing the door behind her, she looked around to find multiple books and bottles, no windows, two lamps lighting the room and that's when she heard someone clearing their throat.
She turned around and found what she thought was Jahzara Fajra sitting behind a desk "We'll hello there, Moon Summoner".
Inara's heart stopped at that name, it's impossible. How does she know who I am. No one knows, except for... Inej.
Her eyes were wide, Jahzara stared at the young girl before speaking once again "Oh, don't worry dear, sit."

Inara began to take a few steps forward before sitting on the wooden chair, her bag hung from her shoulder as she held onto it, she realized the woman wasn't speaking "Kaz Brekker sent me" Inara explained receiving a chuckle from the woman "Oh, I know dear. I sent him to find you. He never disappoints me. I also know that you will never step foot in the Menagerie ever again, thanks to the fake contract.
Your contract with the Menagerie was never of four years, but more.
I don't think you realize how valuable you are, dear.
You are the Moon Summoner, you have no idea of how powerful you are and of what you are capable of doing.
To the people outside you are a myth but sooner or later, you will rise, dear.
And will continue rising, unless the Darkling finds you and the Sun Summoner" Inara listened carefully, fully taking in the woman's words.
She thought she would've been selfish and cruel, she wasn't.

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