Chapter 22-The end

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                                   The end                                    July 19—————————————————————————

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The end
July 19

3rd person pov•

"What do you mean?.." Y/n says backing up from Miles

"You need to breakup with him." Miles says while walking closer to y/n with a cold glare in his hazel eyes

"Hobie? Why I don't even know you!"

Miles walks closer to her grabbing y/n by her shoulders and pinning her to the wall making sure she doesn't get away

"You'll know me soon but if you don't break up with him..there's gonna be some problems."

"You know what I don't give 1 fuck 2 fucks 3 fucks about you're quote on quote dog shit problems"

Y/n then uses his feet to kick him in to stomach making miles stumble back a little

She makes a run for it grabbing Hobie's hand and leaving the coffee shop

"I didn't even get to finish my drink!"

"To bad"

5 mins later-

They both end up in a dark alley and both of their spider senses go off making them look around
y/n hears Hobie make a grunt noise so she looks at him and sees the prowlers fist threw Hobie's stomach blood gushing out. Prowler removed his fist which makes Hobie fall forward to the ground Y/n looks up seeing the prowler.

"You're not uncle Arron?.." she says with her shaken voiced and watery eyes.

"I told you you'll know me soon" miles says making the mask disappear showing his full face

"I also told you we were gonna have some problems right."

Miles kick Hobie out of the way walking towards Y/n

"you killed him.."

"No shit"

Y/n punches him in the stomach but he doesn't move a inch she looks up at him in fear standing straight she can feel shivers down her spine
(Y/n rn :😨)

She continues to punch him letting out all her anger but he still doesn't move

He grabs her by the neck pushing her towards the wall choking her out

"It's cute how you think you can actually win a fight against me"

Y/n kicks him off her punching him on the jaw and kicking him on stomach then kicking him on the face

He spits out blood looking up at her running towards Y/n jumps up making Miles run into the wall.

She jumps down and lands on him he makes a grunting noise. Y/n gets off of him and starts kicking him in the face repeatedly until he's bleeding from his face

He finally gets up wiping the blood off his face

"You bitch."

He punches her in the stomach making little cuts in her stomach then he punches her in the face

Y/n see's a brick on the floor and grabs it about to hit Miles but he grabs her hand squeezing it

"Ugh! Let go!"
She screams in pain feeling her bones crushing a little

She uses her elbow to hit his face and he release his grip from her hand

Y/n drops the brick from all the pain on her hand
She see the prowler jump at her but she jumps on to the wall before he can get her

She tackles him to the floor punching him over and over but then he flips her over stabbing her on her chest

Her eyes widen feeling the sharp pain she turns and sees his claws deep in her chest

He slowly moves his claws down making a bigger cut

Y/n see's all the blood coming out her vision starts getting blurry...(I'm sorry guys😭)

She reached for the brick once she got it she hit Miles on the side of his head he falls off with his eyes closed laying their Y/n gets up her vision slowly getting blurrier tho

She sees the blood pouring out from his head making a puddle of blood he's either knocked out or dead

She slowly walks over to Hobie's dead body crouching down she starts to cry tears rolling down

"I'm sorry Hobie I'm really sorry."

She picks him up holding him in her arms while having her knees on the floor she hugs him crying slowly her breathings slows down

She notice how she forgotten all about the cuts on her chest bleeding out.

But she decided to stay there she wanted to stay  next to Hobie she knew she would die but she wanted to die next to him

Her breathing stopped and she fell next to Hobie still holding him in her arms.

                                     The end.


Anyways ima make a new one about miles 42 in a few hours I'm think of naming it

Heart killer

Anyways so if y'all wanna read that read it 😜

Also credit to my friend Zachary he gave me like the idea of how they die

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