Chapter 1-the lab

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Authors note:This chapter takes place where y/n is 13

Y/n's pov•

I walk around in this lab I came too for a school field trip while I walk around I hear a noise?


I go flying towards a wall I get up and start looking  around "what the hell is happening?"
I say to myself. All I see is people running out the building I can't really see that good my vision kinda got blurry that's when I realize there's a huge fire in the building I try to get out of the building as fast I can but then I see a little boy that looks like he's around 6 in the building what the hell is a 6 year old doing in a lab!?

I run back to get the kid I pick him up with his arms around my neck as I'm running I feel a pinch on my hand I just ignore it focusing on the bigger problem. Once I get the kid out the building I hear a other boom I turn around to see the building about to collapse on me. My eyes fill up in fear I get prepared knowing I'm never gonna see my friends again. There have must a been an Angel by my side because all of sudden I feel someone grab me once I open my eyes I see I'm in the air and being held by a spider man but not a normal one?

"You okay?" He says in a British accent not gonna lie that British accent is pretty hot "yea I'm okay also who are you?" I ask him a "I can't reveal my identity luv" that accent makes a blush a lil I really gotta stop thinking about that I just almost died!

3 minutes later★

After a few minutes he let me down on a sidewalk "thank you for saving me" I tell him "No problem" he say as he swing away I wonder what he looks like?


Hobie Brown──There must have been a Angel by my sideМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя