Chapter 3-Lost✧

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June 17 Started writing:3:40am

I stayed up all night thinking if I should stay or leave I only have today left to think of my choice.

Since it's the weekend I decided to go visit my mom she lives in Brooklyn too but since I have dorms at my school I just sleep at my school plus this might be the last time I see her until a long time I might as well make this day count if I end up going with them.

Time skip where she's at her moms apartment✮

I knock on her door


My mom finally opens the door and I see a smile on her face as she hugs me.

"Hey mom how have you been doing!"

"I've been doing so well you have grown so much come in!"

I walk in my apartment it smells clean she probably cleaned before I got here.

Me and her talk about how school is going and life too I love spending time with my mom I'm probably gonna have to tell her soon that I might be leaving I'm not sure how to tell her tho

✮time skip to around 7pm✮

(Pm means night right like 7pm means night??)

"Ok mom I'm gonna be on my way back to the dorms it's getting kinda late" I tell my mom

"Ok honey I'm gonna go to the grocery store anyways see you later love you" my mom tells me

Once I get to my dorm I fall in my bed about to get ready to rest 5 mins past until I start seeing police lights and sirens i should go check it out.

I get my suit on and jump out the dorm window I follow the police sirens all the way to the... the grocery store. I wonder what's happening I web into the grocery store to find the green goblin destroying things. I start fighting the green goblin trying my best not to get hurt too it's kinda hard since the grocery store isn't like 3 story's.

I trap the goblin on to the wall with my webs so I have time to get people out the building. my spider senses go off and see the green goblin coming towards me I duck down as fast as I can I see him grab something from his side?

"I'll just make this easier for me" he says as he throws something.....a bomb

I fight him as fast as I can webbing his whole body to keep in place. Again I see that portal and see the same 2 spiders which is Jessica and hobie

"Not a good time!" I say to them

Jessica grabs the green goblin running out of the building before the bomb turns on

"Help!" I hear someone say I web to the sound and see my mom.

Hobie's pov•

I stay outside the building watching y/n to make sure she doesn't get hurt while saving that person all of sudden my watch goes off saying a cannon event is suppose to go off shit that's her mom..

I hear a boom and red flames.

Y/n's pov•

I try running as quick as I can to my mom as I reach out for her I hear a boom,red flames,bright lights.

I see a bunch of stuff fall on me and my mom



Hobie's pov•

I run inside the building with Jessica looking for y/n. I soon seen 2 hands one with blood and one without I move all the rocks off of y/n's body I look over to Jessica taking off the rocks of her mom...dam "that's a lot of blood how are we even suppose to tell y/n!?" I say to Jessica "I'm not sure.." I grab y/n and open a portal "where are you taking her!" Jessica yells at me "she's still breathing she probably blacked out so I'm taking her to the spider nurse" I tell Jessica "you can't just take her we have to take her to miguel!"she yells at me "I don't follow orders" I tell her before jumping threw the portal.

Y/n's pov•

I wake up to a bunch of lights 2 people standing next to me oh it's Miguel and Hobie I notice my mask was token off I try to remember what happened?....

I remember now I sit up quickly

"Where's my mom!" I say with a panick voice

Hobie just gives me a blank stare

"You're Mom's dead y/n she died in the explosion." Miguel tells me

"You're lying right." I ask him

"No y/n it was a cannon event it had to happen" Miguel says

"We can't always save the people we want to protect the most"Hobie tells me

Before my eyes fill up with water I walk out the room quickly i don't know exactly where I'm going but I just keep walking how could I have let this happen.

Word count:844

Ended writing:4:43am

Authors note: so I ended up finishing the drawing for the suit i don't know if I should or not I'm probably not gonna show it tho🤷🏻‍♀️

Also I know not much has happened between y/n and Hobie but don't worry next chapter it's finna start 😼😽

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