Let The Training Begin! ✓

Start from the beginning

"It's a cave what do you expect" he sat down at the table. "Well I expect some damn light or a better hide out that actually has windows"

"Just get something to eat and shut your mouth" I set the torch on the wall and rolled my eyes "whatever you say" I grabbed a piece of bread and sat across from him.

"You decided on a new look?" He asked me while looking at my hair.

"Haha, very funny. I woke up like this...I don't exactly know why my hair is changing color" I shrugged munching on my bread, he raised a eyebrow.

"Must be your hair color in this world, strange that it's just now changing"

"Can we just get to training Haruto" I stuffed another piece of bread in mouth and looked at him hoping he would forgot about this topic.

"Call me sensei for now on" Haruto looked at me annoyed

"Why the hell would I call you that" I gave him a shady look "because I'm your mentor now"

"Yeah sure, or you just like getting called that" I sat up and rolled my eyes, he blushed.

Yeah that's what I thought.

"Whatever! come on brat we have training!"  He got up quickly and left to go to the entrance of the cave

"What a drag" I mumbled following him.



I now stood outside of the cave waiting for Selene.
She was a bit odd for her age,especially that mouth of hers.

I took her in because she was an interesting case, no normal person would fall out of the sky or be transferred to another dimension in the first place.

Plus I was bored since I've been alone for so long on this mission and needed something to distract me and having a girl from a different dimension would certainly entertain since anything could happen.

But her case was odd, she has charka but it's stored away. whoever did that certainly wanted her to never be found, to keep her safe.

Training her would be different since I can only teach her Ninjustu and Taijustu, I can't teach her Genjustu since her Charka is stored away.

But being skilled in both with be extremely helpful in her case, so I wasn't too worried.


Selene stood in front of me panting and while sending glare my way "you didn't have to run ya know!" I smirked.

"This is just the beginning" Selene looked at me wide eye and then she went gloomy by sagging her shoulders.

"Anyway, follow me" I started walking making my way through the forest, Selene followed before I quickly disappeared from her site, making my way to the training area.


I stopped in place, Haruto disappeared from my site making my blood boil "HEY ASSHOLE OF A SENSEI STOP PLAYING FUCKING GAMES WITH ME!"

I looked around grumbling, I bet he's laugh his ass off right now! What a prick!

It's been over a hour since I started searching for my bitch ass sensei and now I was lost so I decided to take a break. I sat down against a tree, I crossed my arms and looked around.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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