Colby switched the camera off for just a moment. "All jokes aside, you good? I know how scary that can be," he said, sharing a worried look with Sam.

Evelyn smiled as she let go of Arthur's arm, his other hand falling back to his side as he hid his frown at the loss of contact with a clearing of his throat. "No, no, I'm good . . . now. That is super creepy though, like I genuinely didn't touch anything."

"Yeah, we believe you," Sam nodded. "This stuff happens all the time, dude."

"Great . . . that's reassuring," Arthur said as he pressed his lips together, the corners of his mouth lifting as he made eye-contact with Evelyn. She smiled.

"Okay, I'm thinking, we go down to the inner pantry and try the Estes Method, and maybe just do another lap of the castle, then go to bed. It's getting late already and we'll get a shit ton of footage overnight."

"What's the Estes Method?" Arthur and Evelyn asked at the same time. Colby looked between the two.

"That was really fuckin' creepy," he said as he wagged a finger in-between the friends. They merely laughed.

"The Estes Method," Sam began as they walked out of the room, towards the main staircase. "is something we can use to talk to the spirits here. Basically, we place a blindfold over the participant and give them headphones connected to a spirit box . . . do you know what those are?"

Arthur and Evelyn nodded. "Sick. Well, imagine that's blasting. So essentially, you can't use any of your senses, so we ask you questions, and you just respond with whatever you hear the spirit box say."

"How do you know what the question is?" Arthur asked with furrowed brows.

"You don't. That's the whole point, it's the spirit's that know."

"So, you wouldn't know if any of it actually made sense?" Evelyn questioned.

Colby grinned. "Nope," he said, popping the p. "It's fun though, usually works pretty well."

"Can I have a go?" Evelyn asked. Her question even surprised Arthur, who immediately looked down at her with wide eyes and a slight smile.

He flicked her shoulder. "Where'd Evelyn Bradshaw go?" She only shot him a look filled with amusement.

"Yeah, definitely! It'll make some banging content!" Sam grinned.

"Banging? Who uses the word banging?" Colby said with furrowed brows, his beam shooting through the darkness as the small group descended the stairs.

"Me when I go down on your mum," Arthur snickered before hopping quickly down the stairs. Colby shouted out and quickly followed after him as Sam turned the camera back on.

"What idiots," Evelyn laughed as she shook her head, sharing a look with the other blond person in the castle.

"What absolute trash bags," Sam said into the camera, muffling his laughter with the sleeve of his jumper.

"Mr Television," Evelyn sang as she jumped off the final step, Sam filming her every move. Unknowingly, she passed through the very doorway the other two had gone through, only to let out a harrowing scream as the two men she was looking for jumped out from behind the wall.

Arthur immediately began to laugh as she fell into him, her palms covering her face while he wrapped his arms around her back. He continued to guffaw with his head tilted to the roof, Colby and Sam laughing in the background. Evelyn couldn't help but let out the tiniest hint of laughter into Arthur's chest due to the amount of it filling her ears. She pulled away with mock annoyance.

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓-𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐄𝐃; arthurtvWhere stories live. Discover now