"She is what?" Elizabeth gasps out." That is unfair...he deserves to marry someone who loves him, not someone who sees him as a person to raise a child which is not his!"

"I have tried to tell her not to, but she does not listen." Penelope says before she takes a sip of her tea." He deserves love, that is for certain."

"You love him, don't you, Penelope?" Elizabeth asks, and the girl blushes." I have seen the way you look at him, I think that the two of you will make an amazing pair."

"You love Benedict, do you not?" Penelope asks, and this time it is Elizabeth's turn to blush. She sips on her tea before she says," please, do not tell anyone. Colin is not exactly thrilled by the prospect of myself and his brother."

"I shall not tell a soul." Penelope responds and Elizabeth smiles; leaning over and taking her hand as she says," we need to tell Colin before it is too late."

"I agree." The red head responds and the two begin to plan how they shall do it. They agree that it shall be Elizabeth who tells him; with Penelope by her side to back everything up.


There's pebbles at the window yet again that night, and Elizabeth smirks as she gets out of bed and changes into her disguise. She throws open the window, and Benedict smiles to her; going to say something but being cut off by the girl climbing down the tree and landing beside him; a grin of mischief upon her face as she grabs his hand; not caring that it is raining.

"Let's go!" She says in an excited whisper, dragging him off across the grounds and making him laugh. 

They walk hand in hand to the Granville's, the two talking excitedly once more. Elizabeth could never tire of Benedict's company and as the days go on she finds more things to love about him. For starters, she loves his eyes and how they shine in the moonlight; the deep blue  a colour she could easily drown in. She loves how he is always gentle with her, even when it is just as simple as holding hands. She loves his smile, his hair— especially when un-styled and messy as it tends to get from hours upon hours of drawing— and she loves his laugh and the way his whole face lights up when he spots her in a crowd.

"Bridgerton! Miss Giles, I am so glad you both came!" Henry greets as he opens the door once Benedict has knocked.

"We dare not miss it." Benedict responds and Henry smiles before he says," please, come in."

They enter, and Elizabeth shrugs off her jacket yet again; Henry hanging it up on a coat hook with her cap alongside Benedict's. The house is a lot busier this time around, with lively chatter filling the rooms.

"Make yourselves at home. I would show you around but host duty calls." Henry explains with a smile, making the two chuckle. He takes off, leaving the two to stand bewildered in the entrance hall.

Benedict gentle strokes his thumb against Elizabeth's knuckles and she shivers slightly before they begin to walk around the busy house. They glance into a room to find many women dancing; and they smile to one another, knowing they were in for a fun night. They move into yet another room, this one full of male models; and Elizabeth looks to Benedict and grins.

"This one! I need to study the male form." She tells him, and he chuckles as she drags him into the room and over to two easels.

Meet Me In The Afterglow | Benedict BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now