Chapter 6

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The road is quiet except for the occasional passing car as we walk towards my house. The sky seems so much larger today even with the city lights.

I can see him every once in awhile turn his eyes towards me, sometimes meeting my own. Normally I would quickly look away, pretend I wasn't staring, but his eyes, they draw me in. I just keep looking deeply into the golden hues.

I hold my breath every time until one time, the silence is broken.

"This suits you."


"Your choice of dress today, it suits you." He places his large hand over my head and presses down on it ever so slightly.

I could feel my cheeks begin to warm up but the questions in my own mind seemed more anxious than ever, I have to speak up.

"Sho, right? Can I ask you a question?"

He doesn't say anything so I guess I can take it as a 'Go ahead'.

"Did your family come from here? You know, your ancestors? Is it possible someone in your family also has the same genes, like the silver hair and golden eyes?"

"My family has always had silver hair and golden eyes, though an unfortunate addition to my family had white hair instead."

"What's that mean, haha. Do you know your family tree?"

"Of course."

"Did....anyone in your family from, say the feudal era, live in this area?"

"My family owned a large portion of land in the area, even back then."

"Really? That's amazing. I remember reading about someone from history who looks like you, I think I remember his name was... Sesshomaru. Is that right?"

"His name is not in any of your history books."

My eyes snap to his eyes which still look boredly ahead. He doesn't stop and I have to jog to catch back up to him.

"So you do know him."

"Humans can't seem to find things, even when they are faced by them."


A long pause begins eating at my insides and I am too nervous to move, in fear of breaking something, something like my small amount of hope.

"Sho for short."

It can' is isn't it. My cheeks burn brightly and I duck my head hoping he can't see them.

"You forgot me twice now."

"I didn't forget you. Wait. Twice?" I look up forgetting my embaressment.

"When you were small when you first fell through the well. You followed me around for hours before telling me you had to be home before dinner. You were so small, yet you held no fear of a demon like me. You told me to visit your mother when I 'dropped by' making a promise for me without even asking. Even Rin has never done such a thing."

"Well, that does sound like something I would have done. Wait, did you ever visit my mother?"

"Once. It seems it was not long after when she passed away. I looked for you then, but the school records were under lock and key, and your father thought I was someone close to your mother so he refused to speak with me. Humans act so-"

"Stupid? Young? Inferior?" I laugh at my own words. "We can be like that."

"Yes" His smile breaks out and I have to duck my head to stop myself from staring again "they can."

We walk side by side, neither of us going at a terribly slow pace, but neither he nor I were in any rush to seperate.

"It's not a bad thing."

"What's not" I question.

"Acting young, sometimes it takes someone very young to see what the elderly have forgotten or lost."

"You. Elderly?"

"I am much older than you, after all I'm not human."

I spot my house light coming from the living area lit up. I can already sense a fight waiting for me.

"When will I see you again?"

"That is up to you." With a simple gesture he hands me a card with his name, number and email address.

I hold it tightly "Every day?"

"Like I said." He seems unfazed by my question but for some reason I almost see a smile on his face trying to get free.

The door opens before we even approach it and the woman reaches me in one bound.

"I told you that you were grounded, what took you so long getting home? Your father called the school and they told him you refuse to write your future essay. You will obviously take over for him so just put the business information. Then the teachers might actually do business with him before he retires."

She rattles on as if she doesn't care there is a guest standing next to me and continues to berate me.

"I don't want his busi-"

"That's irrelevant. When you take it over, and you will, you must have high grades on record. No more of this refusing to work or so help me I will send you to visit your stupid mother."

Her palm slams against my cheeks, twice each for good measure. Finally turning to the man beside me she looks him up and down "So, you are what this brat is into. I see, just like that whore mother of yours. It's because of things like this that you aren't going anywhere."

"Filthy human."

I straighten my back as if a ruler had just made painful contact with my knuckles. His voice was quiet but I had never heard it so frighteningly low.

"Now I see, this is not an environment beneficial to his education or character development, I will speak with the board of directors and student services to see if this can be amended."

"What are you talking-"

"1. Either we find a more suitable living environment for young Kai. Or 2. We have you removed from the picture."

"You don't have any-"

"According to the child rearing statute 19, lines 6-12, if a parent has been publicly witnessed causing unnecessary child abuse, then said member of the household may be blacklisted along with all immediate relatives."

"Who on earth do-"

"The law also states that the family may be fined for the cost of rearing a child, and in today's society, that can be an unbelievably high rate."

He holds his chin in his thin fingers "Or. You may wish to relinquish guardianship and allow your step-son to continue his schooling under professional supervision."

Her face held a new fear as he pulls out a small ID with government information written within.

"The choice is yours."


I run to keep up with the white haired man moving quickly up the street.

"Where are we going?"

"You are going with me to the office, we are changing your address today, before she changes her mind. The law will side with her if it comes down to it. Pathetic vile humams who believe they are the absolute in this world."

"It's okay. After all, some of us don't think that way, otherwise I wouldn't think a demon was my absolute." I laughed happily as he stormed off but when I say this he stops. He doesn't say anything or do anything, he just stands there a moment, before continuing on.

"I'll follow you anywhere Sesshomaru."

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