Familiar Face

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-Your POV-

"Will you marry me?" Canute proposed. He was lounging on a chair, relaxed as he had his legs crossed. He now had short cut hair and had grown a thinly trimmed beard over the years. He had recently been crowned as king over England, and by how we had recently found out about his brother growing sicker with each passing day, it looked as if he would seen become king of Denmark as well.

My tongue swipes out and wet my lips as my mouth felt dry at his question. I didn't want to say yes, I've only ever felt a platonic friendship with Canute. He's helped me in more ways than one since Thorfinns and Askeladds death which I was absolutely grateful for. I knew a part of me could be happy with him as he could provide for me, and love me. But it would never be what I had felt for Thorfinn. The raw unfiltered love I had felt for him would never compare to anything I could feel for the king.

Seeing the hesitation on my face he continued letting out a sigh. "It's been three years (Y/N). I've given you more than enough time to grieve. It's about time to move on from him don't you think?" He questions me.

I frown at his words before nodding my head in agreement. No matter how much I disliked his words they were still the truth. Nothing I could do would ever bring the dead back to life, no matter how hard I tried. I needed to accept that Thorfinn was gone for good. "Maybe you're right. Maybe it's time I move on." I mutter quietly as I stared at the floor boards.

I take a deep breath and meet his eyes "I'll marry you then." The words felt like knifes coming up my throat as I spoke them. I didn't want this truly, but I felt cornered. Many in the kings court has been pushing for us to marry as it only made sense politically speaking. And Canute has been caring for me for so long. He was a busy man with all of his work yet he always made time to spend with me. Even if it was just for a moment.

He stood from his chair at my answer, a gracious smile on his face as he came over to embrace me in a light hug. "You won't regret this I promise you." He says happily as I hesitantly return his embrace. 'I'm sorry Thorfinn.'


We arrived in Jelling within a day after i accepted Canutes proposal. We both agreed that with his brother in poor health at the moment it was better not to announce the engagement just yet. But he has put his foot down on never allowing me to ever be his bodyguard again now that I have agreed to marry him.

He's been heavily against me being fighting in any way for the past three years. Asking me to put down my bow, wanting me to become more of a traditional woman of as he puts it 'highborn blood status'. Which I laughed in his face if he thought I could ever give up my bow for something more lady like such as embroidery. I would just go right back to being a depressed mess yearning for death yet again.

Which I had reminded him that if I wasn't given something of importance to do it possibly wouldn't end well. I wasn't about to become just a breeding cattle queen popping out babies. Which Canute promptly agreed to give me some form of work outside of just making a baby.

As we stepped off the ship I wrinkle my nose at the thought 'making a baby... with Canute. Gross.' I think with a deep sigh. "Lord Canute." A man says as he approaches us "We are overjoyed to see your safe return from England." The man adds and Canute responds with a hum from where he stood in front of me.

"Wulf, how is my brother?" He asked him. The man named Wulf had many scars along his face with short thin black hair and a strong large body. "Lord Haralds health is not well. His illness has worsened during the past month and now he can barely speak." He tells Canute. I start to space off not caring much for the conversation as I half listened while I watch kids playing a ball game in the dirt road a few feet ahead.

One of them hits the ball hard causing it to fly over one of the kids head, it skittered to a halt in front of us. I bend down and grab the ball as one of the kids comes running over. "Here ya go. Why don't you guys go somewhere else instead of playing around the docks, you never know if it'll land in the water next time." I tell the little boy as I hand it over to him. He gives me a smile and nods "Okay, thank you lady." He says happily before running off to his friends.

I stand back up and Canute grabs my waist, bringing my attention to him. "Children are always so carefree aren't they." Wulf says with a smile as he watches the kids run off somewhere else. "Yes they are, aren't they." Canute says. "It would be nice to have one myself some day." He adds and I hold back a shudder. Oh Gods it was a bad ideal to agree to marriage. I could never get past a platonic relationship with this man. Why did the Gods have to take away Thorfinn.


King Harald has died. The funeral has already taken place and now Canute is to be crowned as king over all of Denmark within the next two months, and on the day he would be officially crowned he would announce our engagement officially to the common people. But for now most of the kings court and anyone with status had heard about it.

For the past few days I haven't seen much of my dearest betrothed as he has been riddled with work that king Harald wasn't able to get done before he passed. Not only that but figuring out the funeral processions, and getting everything in place for his crowning was not at all easy.

Walking along the markets was a fun pastime when I was bored with a coin purse full of the kings gold. I was already getting spoiled without even officially being engaged. Though I had to have a guard already which was a bit annoying. But since the common folk didn't know of me yet I could still walk around a free woman without anyone treating me like I was special yet.

I'm twisting the ring from Mercia on my middle finger as I browsed different cloth to use for a wedding gown. I expected my grandparents to present me with my mothers unused wedding gown that she would've worn to her arranged wedding. But I wouldn't dare to wear that, it would be too ironic to wear with how we both ended up pushed to wed a man we didn't love by our parents. Except my mother was able to escape and fall in love, I had accepted my fate for the most part.

Looking over some expensive cloth that I would have made into a brand new gown a man yelled out startling me. "You're the one who bumped into me! You should be the one to apologize!" I turn around quickly to see two blonde men behind me.

"What was that?! You're the one who ruined my textiles!" The shorter blonde screeched as he pointed at his goods in the mud, completely dirtied and ruined.

The other man who was taller and had a slicked back hair style just jutted out his bottom lip as he tried to act cool and tough "You're not gonna use that as an excuse to force me to buy your goods!"

"What! That's not what I'm saying at all! But it's only obvious you should be reimbursing me for the damaged goods!" The other man yelled.

"I know what you're aiming for you little con artist, you just wanna steal my money!" Tough guy retorted. I watched the two with interest, a part of me happy to get anything interesting to watch, even if it was just two dudes have a pissing contest in the middle of the road.

"Con artist? I'll have you know I have my fathers reputation as a merchant to uphold! I won't let you insult me anymore!" The shortie yelled as he pulled back his arm ready to land a punch. That's when tough guy pulled out his sword, making shortie back off instantly.

"Come at me if you dare, or are you scared." He says as he points his sword at shortie. I smile to myself as I watch them, I could already tell both of them had never been in a honest to Gods fight before and it was amusing to watch them bark with no bite. "That's unfair!" Shortie whined and tough guy just scoffed "unfair?! If a mans willing to fight he should put his life on the line? The fact you don't carry a weapon shows you lack the proper conviction to be a true Nordic man!"

"Then let me ask you one thing. Just who is it that bought you your conviction." A big burly man said as he showed up behind tough guy. He proceeded to tell what I assumed was his son off before profusely apologizing to shortie. 'Well there goes the fun' I think to myself as I turn to walk away when I hear a familiar voice.

Spinning around as quick as possible I looked to see mister Lief Erickson.

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