{2} The Devil's Arms

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When you arrived, the party was in full swing. Loud music were playing and there were people dancing and drinking. There were some making out. You looked around and smiled a bit. Brett leaned in slightly to make sure you heard him. "D'you want something to drink?" he asked and you nodded. He walked off to get you both a drink. Not long after Brett had walked off someone you recognized walked up to you. "Y/N! Hey!" Connor said. "Remember me?" you nodded slightly and he smiled at you. "You're Connor, right...?" you said, slightly unsure of yourself. "Yeah, that's right. D'you wanna dance?" he asked. You looked around slightly to see if Brett was on his way back but you didn't see him. "Um... I don't know..." you said."Aw... C'mon." he said and looked at you with puppy eyes. "Okay... Sure, why not?" you agreed and he smiled and took your hand, leading you out to the dance floor. 

The two of you were dancing and you were enjoying yourself. You heard your name being called and you looked in the direction of which you heard it. Brett Stood there, a drink in each hand and a smile on his lips. You smile and walk over to him. He handed you a drink. "Thanks..." you said and looked down at it. "Having fun?" he asked, referring to your dance earlier. You nod and look up. You drink some of your drink, beer in a plastic cup. "So..." he says but is interrupted by someone walking up to the two of you. "Hey, you guys should come. We're doing 7 minutes in heaven." Brett looks at you as if asking if you want to. You smiled at the guy. "Yeah, we're in" you said. "Sweet!" the guy said. "Follow me" he lead you to a group of people, including Connor. 

"Okay..." said the girl you thought were the host. "Guys over there and girls over here." she said and directed the guys to one side of the room and the girls to the other. "The guys will leave one item of their choosing into this hat..." she held out a large hat. "...and then the girls will pick an item at random and the girl and guy in which the item belongs to will go into that closet over there..." she pointed towards a small closet. "And begin their 7 minutes in heaven." she explained. "Girls turn around and the guys will put an item in the hat." You and all of the other girls turned around and when the girl said it was okay everyone turned back. "Who wants to start?" she asked. There were some girls that said "Me" or "I do" or something like that. The girl thought for a moment before she walked up to you. "Here. You start". You put your hand into the hat and pulled out an item. It was a small bracelet. The girl took the bracelet and showed it to the boys. "Who's is this?" She asked and Connor raised his hand slightly. "That'd be mine".

The two of you got into the closet but right before you caught a glimpse of Brett who looked... Jealous? You shrugged it off. Once in the closet Connor put his hands on the closet wall on each side of your head. It was quite a small closet and he was very close. He looked into your eyes and you felt slightly nervous. He leaned down as he looked at you. "Tell me if you want me to stop" he said and waited for a couple of seconds before he started to get closer again. He stopped right before your lips touched and he looked you in the eyes before pressing his lips against yours. Once you kissed him back he moved his hands to rest on your hips and you put your arms around his neck. 

After a while, which felt like shorter than 7 minutes there was a knock on the door. "Time's up!" a voice called and he broke the kiss. He looked down at you and smirked. He grabbed your hand and placed a quick kiss on it. "M'lady" he said and opened the door for you. You stepped out of the closet. Brett walked up to you. "Want another drink?" he asked. "Sure" you said. The two of you walked across the room and towards the kitchen and got yourselves a drink each. 

"So..." Brett said. "So..." you echoed. "What do you think so far?" he asked you. "Of what? The people? The town?" you asked and raised an eyebrow. "All of it..." he said. You thought for a second. "I like it. It's good. And well.. Better than the last place I lived, though that's not hard" you said and chuckled slightly. He smiled. "Yikes. They must have been some jerks." he said. "Yeah. Each week we would nominate the 'Jerk of the Week'." you said. "It was a legitimate thing. We'd vote and then this song would  play on the speakers after they announced who it was. They'd even receive a medal!" you said and laughed and Brett joined you. "Seriously?" he asked and you nodded while drinking a bit. "Yeah! I'm serious!" 

The rest of the party was quite hazy. A lot happened but eventually Brett drove you home. "How are you even driving right now?" you asked once in the car. "You drank more than I did!" you said and he chuckled. "I guess I'm just a good driver" he said and once he parked the car outside your house he got out of the car, walked around and opened the door for you. "Thank you" you said and got out. You started to walk towards your porch but you tripped. Fortunately for you Brett was right besides you and caught you. "Easy there..." he said. He helped you to get to the porch and then you started to fiddle with your keys, trying to get them into the lock. He took your hand and helped you. "Will you make it to your room?" he asked and you nodded before starting to walk in. Then you tripped again and once again Brett caught you but this time h picked you up and carried you bridal stile to your room with your help. He put you down on your bed. "I'll be right back" he said and walked out of the room. You sigh. After a few minutes he came back with a glass of water in his hands. He sat down besides you on the bed and helped you sit up. "Here, drink up" he said and handed you the water which you drank.

You put the glass down on your nightstand and looked at Brett. "Thank you" you said and he smiled softly at you. "No problem." he said. "No, I mean it. Thank you" you said and hugged him. You kissed his cheek when you pulled away and then you looked at him. Your faces still close together. You looked down at his lips and leaned in and kissed him. He kissed you back and you smile. You pull away and look at him. "You should go to sleep" he said. You nodded slightly and when he was about to stand up you grabbed his arm. "Can you stay?" you asked him. He looked at you before nodding. "Yeah, sure" he said and you laid down besides each other. You laid your head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around you. "Goodnight Brett" you mumble before going to sleep. He kissed your hair. "Goodnight Y/N" he whispered softly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2016 ⏰

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