{1} Devenford Prep

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You sigh as you get out of your car. "Well... At least it's a new start. That's what you wanted wasn't it?" you muttered to yourself as you straightened your school uniform. You shook your head slightly as you made your way to your new school. You hated being the new kid. Which you always were since you and your family moved a lot because of your dads job. You didn't really know what he did all you knew was that you guys had to move around because of it. You hoped that maybe you'd stay here. Your train of thoughts was broken as you walked into someone who dropped their books and you dropped your bag.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see where I was going!" you said and kept apologizing as you crouched down to pick up the dropped books as well as your bag. The person chuckled and crouched down to help you. "It's fine. I'm Brett by the way" he said. You looked up to meet a pair of beautiful blue eyes. You blushed slightly and looked down again. "I'm (Y/N)" you say as you grab your bag and a book and stood up. You handed him his books. "It was nice meeting you Brett" you say and smiled slightly before leaving.

Brett's gaze followed you as you made your way to the office. "(Y/N)" he mumbled. He shook his head slightly and looked down. There he saw something. A phone. He picked it up and examined it. "Must be hers" he muttered. He thought about chasing after you but you were already out of sight. He thought that he'd look you up later to give it back.


After you'd picked up all the things you needed for the day it was time for your first lesson. You checked your schedule. Chemistry. You sigh as you try to find your way to the classroom. You look at the papers you were given to find your way. You shook your head slightly and sighed. You looked up from the papers and walked up to the closest person. "Hi...um" you start. "Hello. You're new here, right?" The boy said and you nodded. "I'm Connor" he said and extended a hand which you shook. "Do you need help to find the classroom?" he asked. "Yeah... " you say, a bit embarrassed. Connor smiled at you. "Where to?" he asked. "Chemistry" you answer and his smile widden a bit. "Looks like we have the first lesson together. Come on, it's this way" he said and started to walk towards the classroom.

When you got to the classroom you gave Connor a small smile. "Thanks" you mumbled. "No problem" he said and smiled brightly at you just as the teacher entered the classroom. "Good morning class. Please have a seat. As you may have noticed we have a new student. Miss (Y/L/N) you can take a seat besides Mr. Talbot over there" the teacher said and gestured towards the boy you'd walked into earlier that morning. You nodded slightly and walked over to him and sat down besides him. "Hello again" he said. "Hi" you say and smile slightly.

Once the lesson was over and you'd walked out of the classroom Brett came up to you."You dropped this earlier" Brett said and held out your phone towards you. "Thank you" you said and reached out towards it but Brett moved it slightly so you couldn't take it back. You tilt your head slightly and he smirked at you. "I'll give it back if you give me your phone number" he said and you smiled slightly. "Alright" you say and scribbled down your phone number on a piece of paper and then you held it out towards him.

He smirked slightly and handed you the phone before taking the piece of paper. "I'll expect you to call later then" you say and walk down the hallway towards your next lesson, with the help of Connor you find your way. By lunch time you had already said hello to a bunch of students some of which you walked to lunch with. After you'd taken and payed for your food you sat down by a rather large table which was quickly filled with other students.

All the chairs around the table was full of students. You didn't really pay attention to who sat where because you'd already forgotten most of their names. "Fancy seeing you again" you heard someone say and looked up to see Brett sitting there. You smile slightly before you started to eat your lunch. The rest of the day went on pretty smoothly.


When you came home after school you smiled slightly. It had actually been quite a good first day. Your parents weren't at home since both of them was working until later that night so you were all alone. you went upstairs to get changed from your school uniform. As you walked up the stairs your phone started buzzing in your pocket. You fished it out of your pocket and answered it.

"Hello?" your said. "Hey. It's Brett." he said and you smiled slightly. "Hey... So you actually called" you said and you heard him chuckle. "Yeah... Well I was actually wondering if you'd like to hang out or something?" he asked and you smiled slightly at the thought. "Yeah, sure. What'd you have in mind?" you asked. "Well there's this party if you wanted to go" he said and even though you knew he couldn't see you nodded. "Yeah, I'd like that" you say. "Great. Um... I'll pick you up at your house later then. Around seven good?" he asked. "Yeah" you said and gave him the address to your house. You both said goodbye and you smiled. You made yourself some dinner before you walked upstairs and took a shower.

After the shower you stood in front of your closet in nothing but a towel wrapped around your body. "What should I wear?" you thought. You looked at the different clothes before deciding to go with a black tank top and a pair of ripped jeans. You dried your hair and let it stay down. You decided to paint your nails with a black nail polish. You went into the bathroom and sprayed yourself with some perfume You looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror and shook your head slightly. You grabbed your make up and started to apply some. You ended up with red lips, smokey eyes and a little bit of peach colored blush.

When you were happy with your look you looked at the clock and realized that Brett wold pick you up in about a minute. You rushed to look yourself one final time in the mirror. You smiled and then you heard a knock at the door. Your smile widens a bit and you go to the door. You open it and there stands Brett. He looks at you in awe then shakes his head slightly. "You look beautiful" he says and you blush slightly. "Shall we?" he asked and gestured towards his car. You nod and step out of your house. You close and lock the door before following Brett to his car.

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