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If words could express,
How much I am blessed,
To have a man who loves me so,
With words he can't express.

Who would've thought that I could mean,
The entire galaxy to him,
He says I am beautiful,
With just one glance.

I didn't think I could set,
His mind ablaze,
With thoughts of him and me,
With our future kids.

He sees my scars and my darkness,
Yet somehow sees a brightness,
And a beautifulness,
I thought I never possessed.

He isn't bothered by my anxiety,
Isn't bothered by my darkness,
He loves me for me,
Despite my weirdness.

How blessed I am,
To have found an amazing man,
Who finds beauty in my flaws and my existence,
Who sees his future in me,
Who finds a lightness in my darkness,
Who loves me for me.

If words could express,
How much I am blessed,
To have a man who loves me so,
With words he can't express.

Then we would be,
Speaking for infinity,
Because there are no words,
To express what we can't tell.

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