"Tell you what, why don't I let you choose which way I take my honey? You get front row tickets after all." Tex suggested earnestly. "Don't be shy now, you name it, we've probably done it."
"God, stop..."
"Answer the goddamn question you motherfucker." Alfredo raised his voice impatiently and while I couldn't see him nor did I want to, I could feel just how much more he seemed to pant and lose patience with the lack of answer the man supplied. Behind me, a belt buckle was fumbled with and I knew just from the direction that it was his and not that of his brother's, not yet anyway.

"What way would you take her, huh? Gonna tell me you hadn't thought of it?" There was animosity laced within the cowboy's tone and closing my eyes tightly, I shuddered as the sickening crack sounded from Tex hitting the begging man. What I assumed to be a mixture of blood and saliva sprinkled against my arm. "Which way?" He demanded again as I felt my legs shaking, knees knocking together in an unheard melody. Another knock quickly followed the first when once more, Tex was deprived of an answer. In the distance, the flush of the toilet bubbled along with sobs.
"He's thought of it alright." Tinker started ignoring the noise and focusing on the situation at hand. "Don't you think Mama, what's it you say when they don't give an answer?"
"Too right." Mama agreed. "It's why he won't answer, guilty conscience."
"Stick it in her ass." Alfredo suggested breathlessly. "Make her cry."
"Leave her alone." The man mewled, gasping for breath. The sound of another hit impacted and came with grunts. The heavy thud of Junior's steps and squeak of his brace became louder as I allowed my eyes to open and inspect the confused woman who sat in front of me. Her face was filled with horror as she glanced over me but I slowly shook my head trying to remain inconspicuous while doing so. Saying anything to them would only end badly on her part and she had already suffered enough. Lifting my head to make eye contact, her now split and cut lips trembled in an attempt to contain any noises which further gave away her fear.
"Make him talk." Mama ordered irritably.
"Sure thing Mama. Fingers or ear?"
"Anything but the tongue sweetheart, he will need that to answer the question."
"Don't look." I mouthed to the redhead in front of me.

Blood and urine trickled to the floor, the smell becoming a foul concoction as the Sawyers latest victim suffered in agony at his missing fingers. With each digit he lost, as did his resolve. Slowly crumbling from pleas, he strained and wheezed, choking on his own screams and snot. It was a pitiful sight and one which had the red head squirming in her seat and covering her mouth with a trembling hand. She had taken my instruction and kept herself from looking at the scene of the man's gruesome torture but I couldn't say the same. The consequences would be more severe if I had, I had learned that much so when Tex told me to look, I witnessed everything.

Alfredo lingered against the kitchen worktop, his belt still unfastened as he caressed his lower abdomen waiting for what would play out. Tinker was chuckling and making degrading comments to Mama about how the stranger struggled to keep himself together as Tex laughed to himself pressing down the blade of the knife to the index finger and pressed it just enough to draw blood in warning.
"There's no nice way out of this sweetheart." He hushed the sobbing dark haired man who bit his tongue hard enough to dribble scarlet drops from the corners of his mouth. "Better to just do as you're told or there'll be more pain now."
"Ain't even like it's a hard question." Alfredo scoffed impatiently, fidgeting in agitation. "You see that bitch? You want to see more of her then just pick something!"
"You're sick." Was the hopeless response as Tex's tongue poked out the corner of his mouth holding in snickers as he toyed with the blade applying pressure. "Please!"
"I can narrow it down to three, see if that helps you." The blonde suggested.
"Fuck you...fuck you!"
"No honey" Tex sighed, cocking his head in my direction pouting his lips at me tenderly. In return I just blinked and avoided eye contact. "It's not for you, it's for her." Pinching at the man's wet chin, he turned it in my direction, their widened eyes quivering in their sockets. I had no advice to offer, no instruction to give. It was inevitable that sooner or later, he would be dead; it was just the extent of which he suffered before then that the Sawyers were determined to enjoy. "Isn't it, sweetheart?" Mama cackled to herself, clapping her hands together as I shook my head and exhaled lowly.

Malevolent (Tex Sawyer)Where stories live. Discover now