chole says

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*after 15 mins of fatima crying in zac arms she fell asleep, zac carried her all the way upstairs to his room, and laid her down. by the time he laid her down chole was waking up calling for him*

chole: dadddyyyy

zac: *coming out his room, closing the door* yes princess??

chole: i'm hungry daddy

zac: okaay whaat youu want to eat? we can go get it

chole: i want chinese food daddy

zac: okaay princess, go put on your shoes n jacket and meet me at the door

chole: okaay

*chole runs in her room, get her shoes jacket, and put them on.. she then meets zac at the door and they walk out and get in the car, while zac was waiting he sent fatima a text saying they were going out for a min and if she woke up b4 they got back call him*


zac: princess why are youu so mad at tima?

chole: she acts like mom..

zac: and whaat does thaat mean princess?

chole: she says she loves me but she leaves me whenever, she doesn't have time for me

zac: fatima does love youu baby, she's jus going through something rn, and we have to help her, we can't be mad at her, she made a mistake ok? people deserve second chances right princess?

chole: i guess your right

zac: hey let's do something nice for her

chole: like whaat daddy?

zac: how about a vacation?

chole: ouuu yess i wnna go to bora bora

zac: wth (whaat the hell) yk (youu know) about bora bora?

chole: dad come on now, that's my favorite place!! but are we going or not? i have to shop for new clothes

zac: awww shit *shaking his head* yes princes we're goin

chole: yaayyyyyy *she says smiling*


fatima jus woke up looking around the house for zac and chole but she couldn't find them so she grabs her phone and sees a text from zac, she thens call him

fatima: zac

zac: yes mamas what's wrong?

fatima: why would youu leave me by myself *she says pouting*

zac: baby i'm omw back i had to get us sum food , ik your hungry

fatima: i am, now hurry up please

zac: youu got it *he says laughing*

*They hung up, and fatima decides she wants to call her mom*

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