Chapter Three, Call Me

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☆A/N : This chapter contains hospital themes.☆

Time ticked on, days turning to weeks. I constantly checked in on Adam and Jonah in the hospital, trying to see them as much as I could, it's not like I had anything better to do while I waited, anyways.

By now, I was familiar with the smells that resided in the hospital walls, intoxicatingly sterile and clean, fresh. The white walls that glew in the artificial light, the people that worked there, checking in on the two to change out their bandages or get them food. It became like second nature, coming in every few days to make sure they were okay, helping them cope with their injuries and trauma. Symptoms of M.A.D. It was comforting watching them slowly get better, though I knew that not everything was gonna go back to the way it was.

At this point it couldn't.

I parked my car in the spot I usually did, stepping out into the dim glow of the setting sun, street light flickering overhead. I walked along the curb, strolling right to the crystal clear doors. I let myself in, the secretary I grew to recognize looking up at me with her usual tired expression.

"Evening Y/N,"

I never realized she knew me by name...

"Hey," I smiled back, "I think you know why I'm here-"

"To check on Adam and Jonah, like usual?"


With hands on the keyboard she typed in their names, "Visiting hours are over, but..." she looked back at me, "They're getting released soon."

"They are?" Excitement welled up in my chest.

"Yeah." She agreed, "if you give me your phone number I could give you a call when I get any news."

Quickly and wordlessly I shoved my hand into my back pocket, fishing out a small crumbled up slip of paper, jotted down symbols on the back. The dark ink was fuzzy at the edges of each line. I racked my brain, voice coming before I could think, words sounding bland, repeatable,

"203 - 528 - 4-"

She took the paper, cutting me off. I gave a staticy sigh of relief.

She read it, mumbling each word before typing it into her computer, "There we go. You're in the system."

"Good, so does that mean-"

"You'll get a call? Yes."

"Good." I smiled, "well, uh, see you then?"

"See you. I'll give you a call in a few days."

I snatched the small piece of paper back, shoving it back into my pocket as I walked away, waving and stepping out the door. As I turned to the darkness, night sky above me, I sauntered to my car. The streetlight above was blown out, shattered glass all over the hood. I couldn't quit smiling though, lips stretched just a little further than acceptable.

I guess I was just happy,

Things could get back to normal.

When I got back home, I started waiting, pacing, sometimes just sitting down on the floor beside the phone, playing with my hands. Sometimes I'd end up elsewhere, the phone in hearing range, just watching, waiting. Sunrise and sunset passed, I stopped counting how many minutes went by after a while.

With clawed fingers drumming on the table, I sighed, eyes glaring at the black phone hanging on the wall,

I just want to bring them home,

To be able to fully be there for them.

My mind began to wander like it normally did, a few odd thoughts here and there, some worse than others. The aftermath of that night. It haunted me unlike all the others, memories resurfacing of watching my only two friends lay broken and bleeding on the asphalt, glass shattered all over the road mixed with blood, and their burnt visage staring at me, a mess of human and inhuman features haphazardly mashed together.

Sometimes it made me wonder who I'd be if I never changed. Maybe me and them would be best friends, alike.

Replacing the two who-


I won't entertain that. I can't.

I'm not like them.

I'm not.

*Briinnggg Briinnggg*

My head lifted up, thoughts overshadowed and pushed down by the phone. Ringing. I walked around the table, the rhythmic sound drilling itself into my skull. I picked it up, resting it on my shoulder.


"Hi, is this Y/N?"

"Yeah, What's up?" I smiled, looking off to my side, out the window,

"Yes, uhm, I just wanted to inform you that Adam and Jonah are being released today."


"Yeah, do you think-" I hung up, phone slamming against the wall. I darted out of the room and out the front door, struggling with my keys. I jogged to the car, yanking the door open and sliding myself inside.

I turned the keys in the ignition, the engine roaring to life as I began to back out of the driveway, 

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