Chapter one, Homing Pigeon

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☆A/N : This chapter contains light cursing, and hospital themes (Also mentions of car crashes and potential threats of Adam/Jonah death if you squint)☆

I leant my body against the counter, smooth and sleek, marbling running the whole way down. My hand rested on top, the textureless surface giving me something else to focus on other than the lady right in front of me, staring at her computer monitor, typing away. The lights buzzed above us both, hospital walls feeling so strangely claustrophobic.

Maybe I was just overthinking things a little.

"So..." I broke the silence, "Anything about Adam or Jonah?- Any updates I mean."

She pushed up her glasses, gray eyes meeting my own, "And, who are you to them again?"

"Y/N, Their friend." She raised an eyebrow, leaning back in her chair, "They mean a lot to me- They're... like my family. I just want to know if they're okay."

She sighed, rolling her eyes before leaning forward in the seat, dark curls falling against her shoulders as she started typing away again. God, I hope they're okay.

"Well, they're no longer in critical condition... but that's all I can really tell you."

My lips twisted into a small smile, They're okay. They're not dying.

They're alive.

"Are you going to come back again to check in on them tomorrow too?"

Oh, right, that.

Everyday since I brought them here I've shown up, just trying to get information. I remember that day clearly, dragging the two up the road through the melting snow, away from the major highways. The night of the incident felt fresh to me, the smell of smoke and burnt tires permanently burned into my skin and throat.

"No, that's... all I wanted to know. Sorry."

"It's fine, kid." She mumbled.

The door stared back at me from the far end of the room, framing the sunset outside in its colorless windows. This whole county was new to me, every unfamiliarity making me feel even more out of place than I normally did. I froze, looking back at her again,

"Can I at least see them? Any day would be fine, I'd just hoped I could toda-"

"No." Her head raised, eyes meeting my own.

A shiver ran down my spine as I muttered a few more forced apologies and goodbyes, eyes darting away from her cold, emotionless face. I quickly turned, walking past the rows of chairs, the soft, mechanical ding of the hospital doors playing behind me as I left, wandering out onto the street, a cool breeze playing with my hair. Cars raced by as the sun fell under the clouds, hues of blue morphing into streams of gold and orange, painting the sky. I took in a breath, trying to ignore the sickly sweet and clean smells that clung to me. I looked around, focusing on the streetlight hanging over the road, red, yellow, green, flashing in a rhythm, keeping everything moving. My eyes drifted down, people walking by, cars that made the ground shake, shops lining the street. I walked through the parking lot, eventually stopping on the sidewalk, just staring out into the chaos of the city. I'd be sleeping behind the hospital again, maybe the cafe if I got run off.

It's not like I needed to do it, it just passed the time...

What else could I really do?

I looked over to my left, the street leading into a highway, cars weaving in and out, moving around each other seamlessly. Panning over to my right, the road became winding and thin, cars much slower over there. The sidewalks seemed to spiral and twist into each other, a few gated communities and apartments filling the spaces between. I took a step backwards, feet on the grass as I took in all in, eventually sitting down. Why was I even out here? My thoughts, spiraling, led me back to the two again and again, the more I tried to deny them the more they came. It was always like this, sometimes thoughts and concerns, worries, sometimes happy memories we shared during the few brief days we actually knew each other. Sometimes it felt like I didn't even know either of them at all. Like we were just strangers. In some ways... I guess we were.

Adam was right about not barely knowing me.

But it still left a sickly feeling in the back of my throat,

Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if I coaxed him out of going into that basement,

Maybe we wouldn't be here, the car crash never would've happened. They'd both be okay, probably driving down the road with some shitty radio station playing in the background. Maybe they'd be mad at eachother, Adam still thinking he's in the right, Jonah still frustrated and terrified.

Maybe they both resent each other, trapped in those hospital beds. I looked over my shoulder, back at the windows of the building, wondering which one was theirs.

I forced myself up, standing on unsteady legs before settling into my skin again. I sighed, eyes looking at the pale concrete ground, shifting to a grayish blue in the dimming light. Yellows faded into deep blacks and blues, purples and pinks, all flowing together. I remembered the times I'd sit in front of the hospital, just staring off into the sky, hoping they'd both be okay,

I had to find somewhere soon, right? For the two of them. If they're not in critical condition I think that means they'll be released soon... right?

We need somewhere to stay.

I didn't even realize I started walking until halfway down the street, the hospital further away. I already passed the crosswalk, cars honking at me wildly. I stared at the houses sat behind perfect fences, something about the safety of these places making it feel more homey than I was used to, than probably Jonah or Adam were used to either.

They were in good shape, though I don't know about security,

After a bit of thinkingI started climbing, eventually hurling myself over the fence. Falling to the ground with a thud, I stood up, brushing myself off as I started wandering. I looked around the rather wealthy plot of land, a few suburban mansions sat in a semicircle, all owned by hopefully different people. It would suck if they all knew each other and found out I did something... each house looked maintained, beautiful yards and gardens, each with their own style. My eyes finally settled on the second to last, the car parked in the driveway a clear indicator of their residence. The house was white and tan, arched doorways and windows giving it a natural feel, not as artificial as the others. I could faintly see the rooms from outside, spacious, perfect. The front lawn was well kept, trees lining the sides of the fence that separated it from its neighbors.

The blinds shifted, shaking, worried eyes staring at me from the darkness. They eyed me as I walked past, fear oozing out from the cracks of their wonderful little abode, a sickly sweet smell I knew all too well,

Maybe indulging would be worth it in the long run. 

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