Chapter 2

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Klaus's POV:

Claudia and I have been trying to make hybrids, but it hasn't been working to well. They keep dying,but we did the ritual right so there's no reason why it wouldn't be working. We're currently sitting in our hotel room with Katerina. Elijah was daggered because he tried to kill my twin and I. He wanted to be with our family, well here's what he gets.

Stefan came to our door and saw Katerina. He walked over to Claudia and I and sat down. He looked at us with worry evident in his eyes. See that's a bad thing to show around Claudia, because she'll use it against you worse than I would. He looked at us both up and down, before confessing or rather informing us on why he came here.

"Damon was bitten by a werewolf and you two have the cure for it. Since your blood is the cure...will one of you please give me your blood to save my brother?" He asked.

"Oh...what a pity...he was so much more fun in the 20s...give Katerina your blood Klaus and have her bring it to Damon, but only for a price." Claudia said evily.

"Yes...a price....drink." I said as I handed him a blood bag.

I then bit my wrist and drained some of my blood into a little glass bottle. I gave it to Katerina and told her to bring it to Damon. She was supposed to be compelled, but was slipped now it's her choice to give it to Damon or not.

"She's not going to bring it to him." Strefan said.

"I know...but that's his fault anyway." I informed him.

After about 8-12 blood bags I compelled him to turn off his emotions.

"Now let's go wake dear sister." I said.

"Oh great another wait I lied." Claudia joked.

I laughed as we headed to her coffin. Claudia pulled the dagger out, and handed it to me. We then waited for a while for her to wake.

"Oh dear sister what is taking you so long to awaken?" I asked aggravated.

"Maybe it's the fact that she's been daggered for a while...almost 100 years Nik....think about it. Yet you know she's going to be mad at us for daggering her right?" Claudia asked.

"Yes...and she's going to be even worse when she finds that Stefan doesn't remember her." I informed.

Right then while Claudia was stranding beside Rebekah's coffin, Rebekah sat up. She looked around and then had her meal. She was still pretty mad at Claudia and I, but she'll get over it. We three headed to Gloria's and asked the witch for a spell to find Rebekah's necklace. Afterward we went to the store to get clothes for Rebekah.

Two hours later, we're still here and she's still trying on clothes. It feels like an eternity, yet funny thing is we live forever so it don't matter. She came out in black skinny jeans, a white tank top,leather jacket, and knee high high heeled boots.

"How about this?" She asked.

Claudia looked really annoyed but kept her cool quite well.

"It looks great on you, you should get it." Claudia said.

Rebekah cheered and ran to compel the sales person. She then ran back over to us, and we all piled into Claudia's masserati. I drove, Claudia was in the passenger seat, and Rebekah was in the back. We drove to Gloria's and saw that only Stefan was there. Then when I looked around I noticed that Gloria is dead. So I knew that Stefan was hiding something.

Then I thought why don't I bring him back to Mystic Falls, and see what it is that he's hiding from us. So I looked at Claudia and she nodded and broke Stefan's neck. We put him in the back of the truck that was hauling our family's coffins. Claudia compelled someone to drive her car home, so hat she gets to see what Stefan is hiding too.

A few hours later we pulled up right back in Mystic Falls. Stefan woke up and looked around.

His Twin (Klaus) [✔]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz