Chapter 12

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When they got there Lucas and Zack headed straight for the interrogation room that Madison was in while Drew and Kris went to Jake's. They sat across from her and she glared at Zack. Who, like before, just smiled at her. "I want you to tell me everything. Why did you kill Jennifer and Jessica? Why did you kill your parents? I already know why you killed April," Lucas said.

She sighed. "Okay, since I'm already going to jail I'll tell you. I was friends with Jake he made sure I stayed out of jail. Even when I committed crimes. It was fun. Not getting in trouble. I loved that he took my word and arrested Zack instead."

"You didn't care that he didn't even commit those crimes?"

"No. I was happy because I hated him. Anyway, I explained about Jake, now for Jennifer and Jessica. Jen and Jess had been getting all of my parents' attention. They thought they were the kids that they never could have had. My mom even told me once that she wished the twins were hers. When I asked why she said 'They're the daughters I never had.' What was that supposed to mean? I mean, she had two daughters! What kind of parents tell their daughter that two other girls are the kids that actually want?"

"It pissed me off. But I let it go. Then my dad asked Jen and Jess if they would like to join our family. They both said that since they are adults they can't be adopted. I was relieved. I thought that it would finally be the end of it. Then Jen said she was marrying someone named..." She paused. "Oh! Zoey Vine. She asked my parents to walk her down the aisle. Can you believe that? They weren't even her parents! So I called Jake and told him that I was planning to kill someone. He ask me who and I said 'Jennifer and Jessica Rodgers.' You see he knew all about what my parents were doing.

"Everything that said about the twins. I had told him. He said he would help. So I went through the motions and pretended nothing was wrong. Then that night I waited until Alex was asleep then went to the twins' house. Jake and I met there. I knocked and when Jess opened the door I stabbed her in the heart. She scream and I realized this was fun. I stepped over her body and Jake followed me. I found Jen on her way to her sister and told her 'I killed your sister and I will do you a kindness and send you with her.' Then I stabbed her in the heart. She screamed too.

"I knew Bella had gone to Zack's and I told Jake we could put the bodies there because either Zack was going to be dead or Bella was. So we put them in a body bag and carried them to the trunk of the car. Then drove to Zack's house I didn't see Zack anywhere and we put them in. You, Zack, walked in right when we finished pulling Jen out of the bag. We had already gotten Jess out of the bag. So, since you didn't see him, Jake snuck up behind you and knocked you out. Then we left."

"You killed them because of jealousy?" Lucas asked, incredulously.


"Why didn't you kill your parents?"

"Oh, I wouldn't have if they didn't whine all the time about Jen and Jess being dead. Jez! It was so annoying. They didn't believe Zack did it, of course. So they were trying to find him so they could get the story. I couldn't let that happen. So after them being annoying and trying to find Zack for four days I decided it would be best to end them. I told Jake and he said 'We'll do it tonight but it has to be before anyone gets there for that stupid dinner.' I agreed.

"So I went to the store and then went to my parents telling them I wasn't able to come to the dinner because Alex wanted to go to the cemetery. Then Alex and went to the cemetery and then I waited -like before- for him to fall asleep. Then Jake and I went to my parent's house and I just opened the door. First I went into the living room and Jake sliced my dad's throat. The gurgling! It was funny. But I didn't laugh. I went into the kitchen and did it to my mom. This time I did laugh. Her face! It was hilarious." She was even giggling right now. "Anyway, we just left after that. I hid the clothes there a few days later when everyone was done looking at the house."

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