Chapter 6

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Even though Jade had told him Zack hadn't lied he still could figure out why he believed Zack. Hell, his boss could be covering up the crimes Madison has committed. If she committed any that is and Lucas is starting to believe she did. He went home and went straight to bed. In the morning, Kate had an arm around his waist. "Morning Lucas."

"Morning Kate." He got up and changed. I have a long day ahead of me. So I have to go."

"Wait. How did the talk with Zack go?"

He sighed. "He only killed Bella, not any of the others. The killer seems to be female. His parents, Jennifer, and Jessica seemed to have been killed by the same person."

"He could be lying, love."

"He wasn't. Jade told me before she left that everything he said was true. She's good at reading people." He kissed her and left. He got to the Vine family house an hour later. The door opened before he got to it. A woman was standing there. "Yes?"

"I'm Detective Lucas Philips. I'm here to talk to James and Zoey Vine."

"I'm Zoey. Jem is in the living room. Follow me." She took him there. "Jem, this is Detective Philips. He wants to talk to us."

"What about?" James asked."

"Jennifer and Jessica Rogers," Lucas answered.

Zoey's eyes fill. "Jen had proposed to me two days before she died. We were going to have a big wedding."

"I had been planning to propose to Jess. But I could find the right moment. I wanted it to be special." James said sadly.

"Zack didn't kill them. He wouldn't have. He loved them," Zoey added.

Lucas nodded. "I know. He only killed Bella to protect someone. Mr. Vine, I understand you were friends with Mr. and Mrs. Graph?"

"I was. Though not many people knew."

"Do you know Roxy Philips?"

Zoey nodded. "She's our friend and she was friends with the Graphs."

"Did she know you were friends with the Graphs?"

James shook his head. "I wanted to tell but Jack and Sarah were adamant that she shouldn't be told. I felt like I was betraying her."

"Did they tell you why?"


"Not true, Jem. They told me," Zoey said. "They didn't like that Roxy has a brother who's a detective. They were worried she would tell you everything."

Lucas winced. He hated that his sister got left out because of him. "I'm assuming they didn't like anyone in the law?"

"Correct. Can you blame them? Zack was arrested so many times for things he didn't do," Zoey replied.

"No, I don't blame them. It's just during this case I'm finding a lot of people who do like the law. Thank you for your time." Lucas left and went to the station. When he got there he sat down in front of Kris. "Kris, this case is more difficult than any other I've done."

"You have only done six of them," Kris said.


"Tell me what's up."

"I think I know who the killer is. I don't have any evidence though."



"But she has an alibi."

"I know. But she went to the cemetery at night. Where was she during the day?"

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