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As the warm water cascaded over her skin, Y/N relished the refreshing sensation of the shower, washing away the remnants of sleep. Stepping out, she wrapped herself in a fluffy towel and padded into the kitchen, where the delightful aroma of breakfast filled the air.

There, she found her girlfriend, Sana, bustling about the kitchen, a look of concentration on her face as she flipped pancakes and scrambled eggs. Y/N couldn't resist sneaking up behind her, pressing a gentle kiss to Sana's cheek.

"Good morning, love," Y/N greeted, wrapping her arms around Sana's waist.

Sana chuckled, but her laughter turned to a playful groan as Y/N clung to her, making it difficult for her to maneuver around the kitchen.

"Hey, I can't cook with you attached to me like that," Sana protested, though a playful glint danced in her eyes.

Pouting, Y/N retaliated by playfully nipping at Sana's shoulder before darting away, laughter echoing through the house as Sana gave chase.

After a few minutes of playful antics, Sana managed to finish cooking and called out for Y/N to come eat. When there was no response, she went in search of her, only to find Y/N engrossed in a video call with her coworkers.

As the conversation flowed, one of her coworkers, Sarah couldn't help but inquire, "Hey, Y/N, how's your weekend going? Any plans with Sana?"

Y/N's cheeks flushed at the mention of Sana, but she couldn't suppress the grin that spread across her face. "Oh, you know, just spending some quality time  with my wife," she replied, trying to sound casual.

Sarah raised an eyebrow, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Quality time, huh? Sounds intriguing. What are you two up to?"

As Y/N and her coworkers chatted away, Sana's cheeks flushed red as she heard Y/N let the word "wife" slipped out her mouth casually.

As the call ended, Sana who had been listening in from the doorway, couldn't help but smile at the slip of the tongue. Sneaking up behind Y/N, she wrapped her arms around her and teased, "Wife, huh?"

Startled, Y/N whirled around, clutching her chest in surprise. "Sana! You scared me!"

Chuckling, Sana reassured her, "Sorry, love. I couldn't resist. But don't be embarrassed. I think it's cute."

Blushing furiously, Y/N buried her face in Sana's neck, the warmth of their embrace washing over her. Sana's laughter filled the room as she gently pulled Y/N away, pressing a soft kiss to her lips.

"Let's eat before the food gets cold, wifey" Sana teasingly suggested, her eyes sparkling with affection as she led Y/N to the table, where a delicious breakfast awaited them.

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