Chapter 20

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'Mom?' I whimpered in our mind link. We rarely ever use it because after we feel sick. It's only for important things. 'Courtney? What's wrong?' asked Mom. 'Derek doesn't love me; he told me the only reason he was still with me was because we mated otherwise he wouldn't love me." I cried. 'Honey where are you?' questioned Mom. 

'In the woods but I really don't want to talk right now. I just wanted to ask if you could tell me where grandpa is right now because I feel like he would be the best person to help me right now.' I replied

'Right now he's in LA at his club; It's called Lux. I'll text that you're coming because he does know about you but he doesn't really know you because you have never met before. I mean you did when you were a baby but that was a long time. Before he left hell long ago.' answered Mom. 'Okay, would it be fine if I teleported? I honestly don't know because it's a public place.' I inquired. 

'You can do it just make sure it's in an alley or somewhere dark.' Mom insisted on the last part. 'Okay, thank you mom. I'll call you later when I go back and get my phone but right now I just want to be as far away from Derek as possible' I stated. 'I understand Sweetheart, just be careful.' warned Mom. 'Always am." I smiled then closed the mind link. I did like my mom said and teleported in an alley. 

"What the hell is that smell?" I gagged. I rushed out of the alley not wanting to smell it anymore before I threw up. As I took a step outside of the alley I bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry, are you alright?" I asked right away. "Yeah, I'm fine. What about you? Are you okay?"asked the lady. "Yeah, I hate to ask but is there any chance you would know where the club called Lux is?" I inquired. 

"I'm actually on my way there now to meet some friends. I can show you if you'd like." smiled the woman. "That would be amazing thank you. I'm Courtney." I said putting my hand out. "Ella, it's nice to meet you." she smiled. "The pleasure's all mine." I chirped and followed her to my grandfathers club. As we walked to the club me and Ella just clicked. 

She actually works with the police as a forensic scientist. Once I got there I saw it was packed. "Ella, there you are. We were starting to get worried.  Who's this?" asked the younger blonde. "This is Courtney, Courtney this Linda, Mazikeen , and Chloe." introduced Ella with a grin. "Hi." I said with a little wave. 

"Courtney, there you are. I was beginning to think that you weren't coming." said Grandpa. "Lucifer, you know her." said Ella sounding a bit surprised. "Yes, she's my granddaughter." answered Lucifer causing Chloe to choke on her drink, Ella and Linda's jaws dropped, while Mazikeen grinned. "You must be Wanda's daughter. You look a lot like her and please call me Maze." grinning Mazikeen as she pulled me into a hug. 

 "Let go Maze, she's here to talk to me." said Grandpa. Maze rolled her eyes. "Fine, but I get her after you're done talking. I demand time with my goddaughter." commanded Maze. "Of course, but right now I think you should stay here because you'll end up ripping someone's throat out if you come." said Grandpa. "Wait, you know what happened?" I questioned. "Not all of it but your mom told me bits and pieces yes." answered Grandpa.

"What are you talking about? What happened?" asked Maze worriedly. "Nothing bad, just something I'm not happy about happened." I stated. I followed grandpa to an elevator that took us to a luxury apartment. "Would you like something to drink?" asked grandpa. "Yes please, water is just fine grandpa." I smiled softly.

"Please, call me Lucifer. Grandpa makes me sound old." Lucifer replied. "But you are old." she smirked. Lucifer rolled his eyes while chuckling as we sat down. "So would you like to tell me what happened?" asked Lucifer. After Courtney explained everything he was shocked and also angry as well as confused. 

"I don't understand, a mate would never say that to their other half. Especially after they have already completed the bond. The only thing I can think of is that he was poisoned." Lucifer thought out loud. "Wait, that's possible?" I questioned. "Yeah, it's actually quite common although illegal in the supernatural government." Lucifer explained. 

"Do you think I overreacted when I left?" I asked feeling like an idiot. "I don't, your feelings were hurt. You have trust issues and to hear the one person in the world that has only ever truly loved you say that hurts you more than comprehendable. But if you want to know what I think you should do next I would tell you to stay here for the night then head back in the morning to talk to him." Lucifer answered. 

"I think that's a good idea, maybe the poison will be out by then and Derek and I can have an honest conversation." I said and he nodded. "That sounds like a good compromise to me." Lucifer smiled. 

For the rest of the night Courtney and Lucifer got to know more about each other and in the morning Courtney called Finn and told him what happened and how Derek could be poisoned. Now she was on her way back to Beacon Hills in a new car that Lucifer got her even though she tried to refuse it but he wouldn't let her refuse the gift.

The car Lucifer gifted her  ⬇

When Courtney got back to their house she unlocked the door and went upstairs to see Derek was gone

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When Courtney got back to their house she unlocked the door and went upstairs to see Derek was gone. "Derek" Courtney called out for him. His scent was very faint which means he hasn't been in the room for a while. Courtney vamp sped all throughout the house. Derek was gone but there was a note.

'Dear Freak Mikaelson,

I took your mate, I knew you'd run you always do when things get too hard. You really should learn how to control your emotions. I thought after all of those beatings your daddy gave you would've taught you to be strong but I was wrong. 

If you ever want to see your precious mate again then you have to give me your father. Hand him over and I will set Derek free. If I don't get Klaus within the next 48 hours Derek will die. Bring him to *Location in Beacon Hills* Tic tok goes the dying clock.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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