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It's been a week since the last time Renjun visited. Donghyuck must admit, he misses that nurse. He would wait for him every night to come to his room, but to no avail, Renjun didn't visit.

Does Renjun not want to visit him anymore? Does he not want to see him anymore? He understands that Renjun has other patients to take care of, but it's been a week. He wonders if he did anything wrong for Renjun to not visit him in his room.

"Baby, are you okay? You're zoning out."

Donghyuck goes back to reality and turns his head to look at Mark. He shakes his head, "I'm fine."

"By the way, Hyuckie,"


"The doctor said, you can be discharged tomorrow and continue recovering at home."

He widen his eyes, "Discharged? Tomorrow?"

Mark nods, "Yes."

That's a great news. That should be a great news, but why doesn't he feel happy? He stares at the foot of his bed, a certain person lingering in his mind.

What's wrong with him? He should feel happy that he would be able to see his friends again, hang out with his parents and his younger siblings, and the one thing that he wants—get out of this hospital.

He doesn't understand what's his feeling.

"Babe?" Mark lightly taps his shoulder.



"I... don't wanna go home, yet."

"Huh?" Mark furrows his eyebrows, "I thought you want to get out of this hospital as soon as possible."

"I don't know." Donghyuck lowers his head, "I..." he clenches his fist, "I want to continue the therapy."

Mark's eyes widened, "Wait, really?" Donghyuck reluctantly nods. "Well, you don't have to stay here in the hospital to take the therapy sessions. But I'll be informing your parents that you want to continue. That's great, baby." He smiles and hugs the younger. "I'm so happy for you! You've been improving, to be honest."


"If you keep doing that, the sooner you'll feel better. And then we can go anywhere you want to go, baby. I really miss having dates with you."

Donghyuck sighs heavily. "Thanks. But, I want to stay in this hospital while I'm taking the sessions."

"Are you really sure about that?"

Donghyuck nods, "Yes."

"Okay, if that's what you want. I want you to feel better, Hyuckie."

" too."


He's in the garden again, sitting in his wheelchair. He's able to walk by himself but using the wheelchair makes him feel comfortable and safe.

Mark already headed home earlier because he has errands to do. Donghyuck's used to it, but he still felt sad when his boyfriend left his room.

"Eunkyung, will you please leave me for a while?" He had asked Nurse Eunkyung earlier to take him to the garden when she barged in his room to give his dinner.

"Will you be okay?" Eunkyung asks, "I'm sorry I won't be able to accompany you, I need to take care of other patients as well."

"Yeah, I'll be okay. Please?"

Eunkyung nods, "All right. Be careful, Donghyuck-ssi." She bows before leaving him by the bench.

Donghyuck closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, feeling the relaxing breeze of wind against his skin. It feels so nice.

He honestly misses his own room in their house. This has a similar atmosphere because of the air conditioner and humidifier. The cold temperature just brushing against his skin.


He gets startled at that voice and opens his eyes. He turns to his side and sees a very familiar person. "Renjun?"

"Hi!" Renjun smiles widely, waving at him. "How are you, darling?"


He smiles at the endearment. "I'm good."

"Did you miss me?"

Donghyuck stares at Renjun. Yes, I miss you and your pretty face, and your pretty smile, and the way you laugh it sounds music to my ears, and your warmth. "No," he shakes his head.

Renjun pouts so hard. "That's too bad, 'cause I really miss you," he giggles. "What are you doing here alone?"


"Hey, I heard you'll be discharged tomorrow. Isn't that a great news? How do you feel?" Renjun suddenly brings up.

Donghyuck lowers his head and stares at the ground. "Uhm, I don't know, honestly."

"I thought you wanna go home?"

He lifts his head and looks at Renjun. There's a slight pang in his heart when he sees him flashing a small smile. "I do, but..."

Renjun tilts his head to the side, "But what?"

He doesn't know why. Whenever he sees Renjun, he feels like all of his problem are solved. Because of Renjun, he feels like he can get through all of this. He feels happy whenever he sees Renjun.

He likes Renjun's soft speaking voice whenever he talks to him. He likes the way he encourages him in everything. And the way Renjun would grab his hand gently and intertwine their fingers together, feeling his warmth against his, makes him melt. He likes seeing the older's face first thing when he wakes up.

He doesn't know what he's feeling, he doesn't understand.

"I don't know."


hi! it's Elly! I'm back after 127 years, y'all :D i'm sorry for suddenly disappearing, I was busy in college (I still am) :< how are you all? hope you have a wonderful holidays!

anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. thank you for reading <3

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