FOUR - Meeting Him

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5. 10. 15. 20. 30. 40. 50. 100. 150 steps. 200 steps farther away. 300 steps away. I'm so far away. Maybe I can pull this off-

My thoughts were interrupted from a hand starting to cover my mouth. Before being grabbed, I take off sprinting, weaving around people to get away. I refuse to go back again. That will never happen again.

I bump into multiple people whilst running, hearing a man behind me yelling for me to stop. It was the guard's voice. I could recognize that asshole's voice anywhere. It sent shivers down my spine, washed a wave of uneasiness over me. His voice blended into the chatter of the elves since I was outrunning him. He could hurt me, but gods forbid he would actually hurt other people.

'Run. Just run.' I tell myself, before bumping into this beefy giant. Okay, maybe not a giant but I'm tinier than him and he seems giant to me. I brush past him, quickly murmuring a small "sorry" to the man. My stomach is killing me from nerves. My legs already ached.

I ran maybe 30 more steps before puking by a nearby tree. "Wow. That lunch must have been fairly horrid, huh? You know, in order to throw it up like that." A masculine voice said behind me. I didn't recognize it, but I felt my blood boil at the sound of a man talking to me.

I look at the male in disgust. "Do not talk to me, human." I spat, getting ugly with him. 'Humans like you belong under the earth. Same with the rest of the damned elves." I glared at the man who was clearly bigger and stronger than me, but I was blinded by a rage fueled by year and years of torture. Even the simple act of a friendly person set me off. I did not know if this person was actually a human or not, but when I looked at him clearly, my eyes widened slightly.

His lack of a reaction showed me that he didn't notice so I fixed it quickly. 'Just like the man in the drawing' I thought to myself. I placed a hand protectively on the bag attached to my back.

I slightly flinched when he raised his hands, saying "Woah there, girl. No need for fangs." He rested his hands on his sides, and perked up like he was proud. "Lucky for you, I'm only half human!" He flashed a big smile as I noted that he did indeed have a wooden forearm in place of a real one. 'Odd how exact my dream was. This hasn't ever happened before.' I thought again.

"You look and sound like a human so you are a human." I spat at him again. My mouth tasted horrendous from the vomit session. I watch as he lifts his eyepatch, revealing a golden angel eye with a frown. Oh fuck.

I quickly pull him into the nearest alleyway, mentally calling him an idiot.

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