ONE - Where It All Began

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Opening my eyes in the morning has always been painful. My exposed windows shining direct light into my eyes after so long in the dark. 'Oh, how I hate it here.' I thought to myself. 'We all do,'' a voice in my head answered me. I smiled, at the thought of my imaginary characters in my head. People I made up before so I had some comfort. I laid there, smiling at the voice making an appearance this early and looked at all of the doodles I made on my ceiling. Some I remember, most I don't but they were cute anyways. I hissed when a reflection off of my framed pivture on the desk shines into my eyes. "Fuck" I whispered, to no one in general and silently hoping the guard didnt hear me. He was always posted outside, waiting for the moment I messed up so he could hurt me or do something worse.

I grimaced at the thought and sat up to get out of where the glass was reflecting at me. It was a picture of my dad and I. Oh, how I missed him. I walked over and picked up the framed drawing. I don't personally remember him since he left when I was four, but I remember some of the stories my mother used to tell me when I was little. This picture was of the time where we all went to the fair. My mother sat across from my Father and I on the carriage ride through the woods and mother drew us. After we got home my mother made snacks and popcorn and we all sat down and watched movies until we fell asleep. I miss the time where my life was easier. When I wasn't constantly scared or had to depend on the imaginary beings in my brain.

Walking over to my desk, I took out my pad and started scribbling out the man I saw from my dream last night. His dark, piercing eyes, red-lined black cloak that fell to his ankles, layered over a white shirt, brown vest and work pants. Brown dress shoes covering his feet and his messy black hair. I could remember every detail of the man in my dream. I dreamt of him often. Being whisked away by the man with the scythe. Being safe in his strong grasp. The man's glare from under his tophat towards the people we call enemies. A happily ever after where I can feel safe and worry-free.

I lost track of time, seeing that the door had burst open. I swiftly hid the sketchbook and pencil. Looking over, I saw my mother.

"Look, brat. It's time to get up. Customers are arriving and I need you ready for the day so Momma can get paid. Now, do what you're good at and do as I say."

Nodding, I get up from my chair. The guard came in as my mother left. He looked me up and down like I was a snack he could have anytime he wanted, though he couldn't unless he paid Mother and he was a greedy pig. I mentally spat at him before catching the pill bottle he tossed at me and swallowing a pill dry. I hate men. I don't know what I was thinking, wishing I could be away from here and with the man from inside my dreams. Even if he was real I wouldn't be around him long before I'm cast aside like everyone else has done. I hate them. I hate everyone. Especially elves and humans. They disgust me. The guard leaving was my cue to start my day.

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