The Boat Ride Before The Battle Of Haven

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After a few days of training the new Faunus militia at Menagerie, Sam, Blake, and Kali are seen loading up supplies to the ship that will carry them all to Mistral so they can save Haven Academy. With the help of Sienna, members of the White Fang that were once a part of Adam's splinter group have chosen to follow her once again.

The sun shines brightly over the bustling Menagerie docks. Sam works alongside the Faunus residents, loading supplies onto a large ferry. The Faunus people are determined, with a sense of purpose in their eyes, as they prepare to leave for Mistral to save Haven from Adam Taurus's attack.

Among them is Sienna, a strong and charismatic Faunus leader, who approaches Sam with a thoughtful expression.

Sienna: (pointing discreetly) Sam, do you see Blake over there? She seems quite nervous.

Sam glances in the direction Sienna points and spots his daughter, Blake, helping with the preparations. He furrows his brow with concern.

Sam: (worried) You're right, Sienna. She's been through so much lately. I hope she's not letting her past fears consume her.

Sienna: (softly) It's natural for her to feel anxious, considering everything that's at stake. She's been through a lot, but she's also one of the strongest individuals I know.

Sam nods, acknowledging Sienna's words. He looks at the Faunus people around him, determined to fight for their rights and safety, and feels a sense of pride mixed with apprehension.

Sam: (earnestly) Thank you for everything, Sienna. I can't express how much it means to have your support and the support of Menagerie.

Sienna: (smiling) You don't need to thank me, Sam. We're in this together, fighting for a common cause. And your daughter has been a crucial part of rallying everyone. Her words have inspired many.

Sam smiles warmly, appreciating Sienna's understanding and the way she acknowledges Blake's contributions.

Sam: (with gratitude) Blake has always had a way with words. I just hope she's not putting too much pressure on herself.

Sienna: (sincerely) Maybe you should talk to her, Sam. As a father, your words might comfort her and give her the strength she needs. We'll be arriving at Mistral soon, and she might need that reassurance.

Sam nods, knowing Sienna is right. He takes a deep breath, summoning his resolve.

Sam: (resolute) You're right, Sienna. I'll talk to her. Thanks for looking out for her and for all of us.

Sienna places a comforting hand on Sam's shoulder.

Sienna: (supportive) We're in this together, Sam. Let's do everything we can to save Haven and protect our people.

They share a determined nod before returning to their tasks. Sam keeps an eye on Blake, who seems lost in her thoughts as she continues loading supplies onto the ferry.

Later That Night

Sam approaches Blake's room and lightly knocks.

Blake: Who is it?

Sam: It's me, Blake. Can I come in, please?

Blake: (smirks) I don't know, can you?

Sam: Very funny Blake. Fine, may I come in?

Blake: (laughs) You may.

Sam opens the door and sees Blake sitting at the edge of her cabin bed. Sam's eyes drift to see a photo next to Blake's leg.

Sam: Mind if I sit with you?

Blake: (sincerely) Of course, Dad. What's on your mind?

Sam takes a seat next to her, and his concern is evident in his eyes.

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