A Plan To Save Haven

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The day began with Sam, Kali, Blake, and Sun arriving to confront Corsac and Fennec about Illia's surprise visit to their house and seriously injuring Sun Wukong. The four walk into a room that is candlelit, and there are White Fang banners hanging along the walls. Corsac and Fennec Albain stand in front of a painting. The tension hung heavy in the room as Blake, Sun, Kali, and Sam faced off against Corsac and Fennec. Blake's eyes blazed with a mix of anger and betrayal, her fists clenched at her sides. Sun stood beside her, his injured arm bandaged, his expression determined.

Blake took a step forward, her voice firm. 

Blake: Corsac, Fennec, we know what Illia has been doing. Spying on me, attacking Sun... We saw her with our own eyes.

Corsac: Sister Illia acts on her own accord. We have no control over her actions.

Blake's eyes narrowed, her voice laced with disbelief. 

Blake: You expect us to believe that? Illia wouldn't go to such lengths without your knowledge. You're using her as a pawn in your twisted game.

Fennec maintained a calm façade. 

Fennec: You're mistaken, Blake. We have always been true to the cause, fighting for a better future for the Faunus.

Sam Belladonna stepped forward, his voice steady but filled with concern. 

Sam: Then explain this.

He held up Illia's Scroll, its screen displaying detailed plans, maps, and messages. 

Sam: Why does Illia have all this information about Adam Taurus planning to overthrow Sienna Khan, take control of the White Fang, and lead an attack on Haven Academy?

Corsac and Fennec exchanged glances, their confident demeanor faltering. 

Corsac: We swear to you Chieftain Sam, we had no idea Illia had these plans.

Blake's eyes widened in realization, her voice shaking with a mix of anger and hurt. She knew that Corsac and Fennec are using Illia to cover their tracks. They were the only White Fang members that knew she had returned to Menagerie.

Sam: Let me make this perfectly clear gentlemen, if I find out that you are lying to me and you send another one of your spies to my home, (eyes glow blue) I won't go after them, I'll be coming for you.

Later That Night

In the front room of the Belladonna Family Home, Sam and Sun burst in through the front door, angry. Kali watches from the front porch.

Sam: Unbelievable!

Sun: Total garbage!

Sam lets out a growl, and he and Sun turn to each other.

Sam and Sun: We can't let them get away with this!

Kali: (smiling) Well, at least you two can finally agree on something.

They look at her, then back at each other. Sun gives an awkward chuckle while rubbing his head, and Sam glares slightly and growls, fists clenched. The three soon have their attention called to Blake, who speaks up from the porch.

Blake: Guys. Everything's going to be okay.

A little while later, Blake exits her father's study, stepping out onto the balcony where an armored guard is standing. The guard turns and addresses her.

Menagerie Guard: Good evening, miss. Can I get you anything?

Blake: Just a little time to myself, if that's alright.

Menagerie Guard: Sure thing. Just call, if you need me.

The guard walks into Ghira's study, shutting the door behind her. Blake takes a deep sigh and is soon alerted by a familiar voice.

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